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Posts posted by RailKill

  1. Yea i had done it on my 2005 LGT and had to do it on this. I did away with every bit of chrome except what was necessary inside the headlights and the stars in the emblems. im even thinking of getting rid of the chrome in the stars and doing a black-on-blue emblem. Idk yet though.


    Looking good! Just get some overlays from DocHolladay. That'll solve your problem.

  2. ^^^I'm an optimist and just put on my summer wheels/tires last weekend!


    It figures, the year I buy an AWD car and a snowblower we get squat for snow!


    I did the same thing, new awd car, new snowblower, and no snow



    I'm having the same dilemma as to throwing on my new summer combo or wait. This whole week is supposed be in the 60's. Suspense is building.


    DO IT!!!

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