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Everything posted by jasejase

  1. This has been talked about a bunch of times. There is no magic equation out there to determine the longevity of your car/engine/turbo. Increased power could certainly expedite the wear process. In addition, the tune you have plays a huge part in the process as well. Coupled together, you could have a recipe for disaster, or... not. There are guys on here that autox at stage 3, and they are doing fine. There are also a number of members on here that have failures with no mods whatsoever. Proper maintenance (oil changes, checking your oil, banjo bolt maintenance, etc) can/will also play a major roll in your outcome. It's a bit of a roll of the dice to some extent, however you can control the utilization of a quality tune, good maintenance habits, decent fluids, and building the car within the means of the equipment you have installed. ... Not to mention driving habits and general condition of the car prior to modifications.
  2. Nice man! Sounds like a good day! Happy birthday!
  3. Congrats!! Glad all is going well!! Check this out: http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php?t=197958
  4. Thanks to daycare, our little dude has had just about ever cold and flu that there is. Lol
  5. Our little guy started to go backwards at 5-6 months too.... Sleeping less at night. Then we let him cry it out. Took 3 nights and he was sleep trained.
  6. I remember going to bed when it was still light out! As of now, our 14 month old goes down at 730 ish, and is up between 700-830 am. Sometimes, we have to wake him up. He also still takes a 3 hour afternoon nap! We worked extremely hard to get him on a schedule as early as we could, and it has worked out pretty well. We will obviously have to adjust his sleep schedule a bit as he gets older, but he's going to be in the 730-800 window for many years to come if we have a say in anything.
  7. Eh, she's a girl. She's winding up for lifelong of being over-judgmental.
  8. That's usually a 'red flag' of sorts - when a child seems to get along really well with adults and older kids/people. In my encounters, that's usually a child that may be beyond their years a bit, and may not be connecting with their peers as well as they could be. Not a problem per se, but could make for a bumpy couple of years till her peers mature a bit.
  9. Take it out a third time, something's not right!
  10. Ahhhh. I didn't go back that far.
  11. hmmmm... you'll need a hot fire.
  12. Properly. Lol Put it in the garbage. Very seldom are acoustic tiles asbestos.
  13. Built ins? They painted or stained? Bon fire?!
  14. Yeah, that's doable Keep the cabinets in tact and put them on CL for free. They WILL go. Ppl want them for garages, barns, etc.
  15. I do this too. Any metal, I'll put down at the corner. If you live on a slow street, put a curb alert on CL. Same for furniture or ANYTHING of marginal value!!
  16. I do one of 3 things. 1) Get a dumpster for larger jobs. 10 yard will be 150-200 iirc. 2) break and cut up the debris and put into several contractor garbage bags. Put a few in the weekly trash. I've done this a few times. Takes 3-4 weeks for the larger jobs. 3) search craigslist. I used a guy from CL for my mudroom renovation. He wood come pick up 15-20 contractor bags of debris (pickup truck bed full) for about $50 a haul. Put it in bags to make it more organized on the side of my garage.
  17. One day all of those little bastards will be working for her anyways.
  18. How would working from home solve that problem?
  19. depends what cord is coming out of the jazzy unit. We had an older jazzy, we needed the 5v adapter, and then we needed the lightning adapter. IIRC
  20. FAS... fetal alcohol syndrome?
  21. She'll get there. Not every kid develops at the same rate. Our little guy was every 3-4 hours (more or less), until we let him cry it out at 5 months or so.
  22. Second night of a cold for our little guy. Last night was four hours sleep. We shall see what tonight brings. Guessing the same or less. He's do damn congested. He went through a lot of viruses the first 6-7 months of daycare, but has been great for the last few months (with the exception of a kidney infection). Forgot how much this part sucks!
  23. Like I said, it's his only diaper rash ever. Not bad for 12 months! Were bit worried about it. Pampers for life.
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