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Everything posted by Penguin

  1. Sure, but the vast majority of Californians are asshats and morons. We can extrapolate this based on the government they have repeatedly chosen in their state.
  2. Yes. Also being from California does too, but that’s another topic for another day.
  3. How is wearing a mask outside and not within 6 feet of someone actually helping them? It’s not. It’s virtue signaling nonsense is all it is. I’m not doing it.
  4. If people you describe cannot adequately mitigate their own risk level I can’t do it for them.
  5. Sure, but it was being implied I have no compassion for those in obvious real distress, which is untrue. Now do I not only lack compassion but actively scorn the types who wear masks alone outside, or in their car? You know the ones who want to insist I mask up 40 feet away outdoors with a breeze? Yeah **** them, I have no use or compassion for them or their asinine fears, or more likely their asinine need to have me comply with their wishes. FUCKTHEM. I hope they step on a rake, get tetanus, are to scared to go get a fresh tetanus shot, and die in agony. After that I hope their 7-8 cats (you know they have cats and not dogs) eat the face off their corpse so their family can’t even have an open casket.
  6. No it’s way more than a facial covering. It’s the government telling citizens that they cannot go to certain places, cannot associate in certain numbers. It’s the government telling people that their business and livelihood has been deemed non essential and being forced to close. The list goes on. I guess you are pretty dim if you can’t understand the implications of that kind of power, and you willingly allowed it to happen where you live.
  7. I’m not paranoid, I have read and understand history, and I’ve been an adult paying attention long enough to understand that when you allow politicians and government agencies to increase their power and authority over you, you do not see them relinquish that new found power or authority. Ever. Not in my lifetime at least. Sorry you haven’t paid attention, maybe your state is residence is a good indicator that you don’t particularly value freedom very much anyway. I fully expect given the stats that I have a 99.9% chance of surviving COVID-19 and making a full recovery once I get it. Assuming I didn’t have it late last month and early this month. I had some but not all the symptoms.
  8. What are you talking about Karen? Do you not understand the distinction between someone who is obvious medical or physical distress, and a virtue signaling turd who is just afraid of everything around them? I’m all for helping the former, but the latter group can go choke on a barrel of dicks. I don’t care about their feelings of fear at every thing around them. I cannot fix their inferior ability to cope with life. Only a few hundreds of years ago they would have died of starvation or exposure, maybe been scalped by marauding natives, eaten by wolves, enslaved by Vikings, or otherwise removed from the gene pool resulting in a more robust species. Now most of those risks are gone, and the and dumb dumbs and Karen’s can flourish.
  9. You should have taken away her trecking pole and beaten her half to death with it. Then she would legitimately have something to be fearful of. Being stupid should be painful, being stupid and threatening others should be really really painful. The Karen’s of this world need to be taught to shut the **** up and stay out of other people’s business when that other person isn’t hurting anyone else or endangering anyone else directly.
  10. LOL. It’s all about control. Lots of lemmings on here who will do as they’re told, stands to reason there are even more out there not on an Internet forum. We’re all going to get COVID-19 eventually you silly fuckers, what you won’t get are your rights back when you willingly give them up.
  11. LOL, making the world a better place one dead yappy nuisance dog at a time.
  12. We live across the street from the biggest part in our small town. Having an active 3 year old son and two big dogs we are over there a lot. Very rarely do I see anyone wearing a mask, and this bothers me not at all. There’s lots of room and no one usually comes with 10-15 feet of one another (immediate family excluded). We have masks on us just in case we need them, but have yet to need them. No one walks their dogs close to us, in fact unfortunately when they see us coming they usually pick up their small dogs if that’s what they have and head in the opposite direction. They see a German Shepherd and a big male Rottweiler and decide to go elsewhere. Their loss, my dogs are very well adjusted and love people, plus they get along fine with strange dogs that behave. Occasionally they will not turn around and we will clear the sidewalk well away from leash range and have our two fur balls sit or down until the other dogs pass.
  13. You didn’t answer the question, or maybe I did phrase it correctly. Again this is for the sake of discussion, not a position I am advocating or practicing (I do wear masks indoors around strangers). So rephrased, hypothetically speaking what if I’m devoid of compassion for high risk groups like morbidly obese people, smokers, diabetics who got that way due to diet, or others with self inflicted medical conditions that put them at high risk? Removing any moral duty arguments, which are perfectly valid outside of the narrow scope of this situation, what is the best reason that the aforementioned groups of high risk individuals who are not elderly should see all of us modifying our behavior to protect their health? For example is there an economic case for doing so, and to what length should we go to? If masking isn’t enough to keep infection rates low and otherwise healthy working age adults get COVID and recover as they’re 99.9% likely to, but fat chain smoking diabetics keep dying because they’re unhealthy does that constitute a reason to go back to lock downs? I would pose the same question for very elderly people, they die all the time of a wide variety of causes. What is the economic case, outside funneling huge amounts of money into the nursing home industry, of modifying behavior to keep this high risk demographic safe from COVID? Factoring in that they will die of some other causes in the near future because they’re very old. If masking doesn’t work, do we lock down everyone else so an 85 year old doesn’t die of COVID next month but instead dies of some other cause in three months for example?
  14. For the sake of argument what if I see others getting infected as not that big of a deal? People transmit diseases to one another all the time, and the survival rate of COVID is now very very high even among old people, certainly among those of us who are working age. We don’t wet the bed and cower in fear about the flu or common colds, yet the flu is more deadly to younger people like small children than COVID. CDC stats show that COVID is by far more deadly for people 65+ particularly septuagenarians and octogenarians. Well hate to break it to everyone but old folks die at an alarmingly high rate of all sorts of things every year, COVID isn’t even the leading cause of death among the 65+ crowd.
  15. I’m not modifying my life outdoors just to make terrified people feel safe. I don not care about their feelings, and if they’re so damned afraid of everything I don’t want them around me anyway. My dad was very worried about COVID. He died of a heart attack in front of my mom last month. No one makes it off this rock alive, we’re all going to die of something and hear disease is still well ahead of COVID in the killing people department. I guess we should quake in fear of junk food?
  16. I don’t like people invading my space under any circumstances pandemic or not. There’s a reason I live in rural South Dakota in the Black Hills: people here like their space and are generally very courteous about not getting in each other’s way. As a PSA from the great state of South Dakota and the Black Hills: if you’re from California, Colorado, anywhere on the east coast that isn’t the Carolinas, Georgia, or Maine; or if you are from Oregon, or Washington State please stay where you are. We don’t want you here because most of you are too goddamn stupid to understand what made you flee from your home states so you move here and continue making decisions that ruined the last place you lived. If that means you die in a wildfire or from marauding bands of rioters too bad, you made your beds now sleep in them.
  17. LOL, most likely put me down in the mass murderer camp. I would be extremely unlikely to even get tested unless I had to seek hospitalization. Enough of my coworkers have had it for me to understand that survival rates are extremely high, so unless I literally thought I was going to die I wouldn’t seek medical treatment. I just got over a shitty cold, for all I know it could have been COVID. I’ve been exposed to COVID infected individuals inside of 6 feet with no mask, albeit outdoors, and never got tested even after I came down with a cold. Not going to bother, living my life and going about my business is a calculated risk at all times. The risk is slightly higher now that the same time a year ago, but far far less risky than during previous times in my life. I accept those risks, and mitigate as needed. For example I will mask up in a store, or in vehicles with my coworkers. I’m not wearing a mask outside, if you see me outside and this bothers you then stay the **** away from me, we’ll both be happier that way. For all the high risk people who are ill, weak, very elderly, diabetic, morbidly obese etc, mitigate your risks as you see fit. It’s a free country, you’re adults. That said the sun doesn’t rise and set over your ass, so don’t expect the rest of us to jump through our own asses everyday so you can feel safer. Not ******* happening, life moves forward and it will move forward with or without you.
  18. Yeah I’m not going to be following any commands.
  19. Another bonus to not wearing a mask outside, people who I know I will have no use for will stay the hell away from me. It’s kind of nice in one way to be able to positively ID morons, poseurs, and virtue signaling turds. People wearing masks outside with no one close to them is good way to ID them.
  20. I don’t wear a mask outside, and I’m becoming increasingly disgusted with all the virtue signaling cowards who want to mask up in wide open outdoor spaces. They’re probably the same dumb dumbs hoarding toilet paper and supporting lockdowns. I hope they all get COVID and survive, so that I can make fun of them for being the chicken shit cowards they really are.
  21. My in-laws seem to be on the mend. They're both close to 70 years old. Just had a shitty cold/flu like experience. Father in law was a bit winded doing normal stuff, but says he's doing better. No hospitalization thus far.
  22. Neither require a hanky. Nose snot or the other. One is pleasing to attractive women, the other not so much.
  23. Blow your nose into something? If we actually get short on tissue paper or ass wipe, I’m holding one nostril shut and blasting snot out onto the ground. I hope the snot rockets are so epic hot chicks look at me disapprovingly. I give zero shits.
  24. So I hear the dumb dumbs are hoarding toilet paper again? What is it with people thinking they need 6 months worth of ass wipe if they get locked down, but don’t have that much food? The fact we’re even considering lock downs, and people are hoarding toilet paper and doing stupid shit for a disease the overwhelming majority of us will survive is mind numbingly stupid to me. I kind of want more of these dummies to die, they’re oxygen thieves. They are stealing our oxygen, probably breathing through their mouth noisily while they do it, so they can fulfill their base instinct to hoard ass wipe and hide in their basements. I want them to die.
  25. Trips to Vegas are never a good idea for just about any reason.
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