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05GT Guru

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Posts posted by 05GT Guru

  1. Are you consistent with discipline?


    I feel as though some people confuse consistency with tough love or being too strict.


    It is a easy thing to confuse. I would say yes and no for myself. I am quick to call my children out when they are getting out of line but I let them off easy sometimes just because they are so damn cute. That is why their mother contradicts herself, sometimes she tells me I am being to strict then it seems like 15 minutes late says to them "you got your daddy wrapped around your finger" when I let them off too easy in her eyes I guess.

  2. Heard a parent (in South Bend, sorry KRB) tell his 7 or 8 year old "stop acting like a retard". Aside from the fact that that word is sensitive to people who know somebody with a disability, that comment unnerved me because that child is going to grow up with such a tainted view on reality from his redneck parents.


    That is the reason I didn't appreciate the "stop being gay" comments. I rarely look who's toes I am stepping on and am not always PC nor do I try to be. It is because of the tainted view as you said this kid will now have... almost guaranteed.

  3. Wish one my daughters friends had tough love parents. We aren't letting one of daughter's friends come to her sleepover 10th bday party. The girl has told me "no" before when I told her to stop doing something at a previous party. Last year, she was generally just a brat and none of the other girls liked her becz she was so mouthy. I really like her parents but they are doing a lousy job with this child.


    I hear you, some of my friends have hinted that they believe I may have too much tough love or be too strict. Then they tell me how he can't stop his kid from screaming at him or laughing at him when he tells him no.

  4. I did feel bad for this one boy. He was about 2.5 yrs old and his parents told him on many occasions to "man up". I organized a small group of kids and one of their parents to get ice cream one evening after dinner, his parent often walked ahead of him (5-10 feet) apparently too impatient to walk as slow as him. :(


    The kid was definitely the least happiest of the bunch.


    I had a similar experience with a fellow employees husband and there 3-4 year old son. Can't remember exact age jsut know he was a year or so younger than my eldest. He would tell his kid to "stop being gay" or "don't be a fag" just because the kid acted like a 3-4 year old and pouted or couldn't do something correctly. Now I am guilty of using the term "that is gay" from time to time but I do not belittle my children using these lines and I do believe in tough love sometimes.

  5. In other parenthood news...


    My daughter and I had a blast this weekend hanging out with my friends and other kids her age over the Memorial Day weekend. We all spent the weekend at a friends beach house with a number of other couples and their kids.


    Since we were all in the same house and did the same activities, it was the first time I was really able to focus on seeing each of the parents personalities and how it's reflected in their kid both negative and positive.


    It is always interesting to see how other children are and the be able to see the parenting that has molded them. I have two good friends who also have children who play with my oldest quite often. Our parenting styles differ in many ways.

  6. Ok, we can do that. It's cool if I terrorize you or otherwise engage whatever is necessary to cause fear so long as you're not my kid, right?


    Many young men are just fearful in general when meeting the father and getting to know him and the rest of the family. I said he can fear me for all I care... not that I would try to make him fearful of me or even really want him to fear me if he is a good person. You are making assumptions about me and how I would handle the situation.

  7. You need me to flash a gun at you before you'll settle down? That's cool so long as you're not my kid, right?


    Show me where I ever mentioned flashing a firearm at young boys and that I would do it. All I ever said is the boy can fear me for all I care.

  8. no one said anything about approving of it :lol: Believe it or not, talking about things is a reasonable action


    you're just taking a very plebeian stance on it. Fear is not equal to respect, and respect isn't earned by flashing a gun or making any threatening comments


    He said if you dissaprove then that will send them to the arms of the badboy. You have to either approve of her dating him or not. Talking about is obviously something that would need to be done but at some point in the talk you will need to tell your child what you want them to do or why and what you think they should do.


    Who ever mentioned anything about fear or flashing guns to their child to earn their respect? I want my child to respect me because of who I am and how I raise them to be. I am not relying on the respect of said boy, I am relying on the respect of my child. The boy can fear me no problem.


    The only mention of firearms was to the boyfriends. I would hope that your child does not need to be fearful that you are going to shoot them.

  9. Plus nothing drives women into the arms of bad boys more than parental disapproval.


    So when they start seeing a badboy we should just approve?


    I really do not want to harm any young boys so I hope that situation never arises. I hope they have the same respect for us as I did for my parents. Trying to make that happen.

  10. Both of my daughters slept and ate great.... until now. The 13 month old still eats anything and wants "num nums" all the time. The 5 year old however isn't pleased with anything but corndogs, mac n cheese and candy. Needless to say we eat more than these three things so she is unhappy during dinner time most days. I honestly believe that the 13 month old eats more throughout the day than the 5 year old.
  11. Mine just want to "run" as soon as they could. My little one is now 13 months and she only likes being held if you are up and walking, otherwise she just wants to go on her own. Her 5 year old sister doesn't even want to be in the house and already wants to play with her friends over me.
  12. I am 25 and about to be finished with school this summer. All while having the only income to support my 4 person family. Luckily my work paid for about half of the cost and I have been making payments. I should have around 20k left to pay when all is said and done.
  13. The plan is to have little-to-no responsibility in her well being when she's 25. Out of college (hopefully), on her own, etc, etc.


    Hopefully at 25 they can care for themselves but I am sure you will still be needed in some ways. I understand what you meant though.

  14. I'm assuming he was referring to putting a seat in the middle of a Subaru back seat. I believe that Subaru literature specifically states that the latch system is not to be used with a middle seat. Some reasons why have been discussed in detail in the past if you search the threads.



  15. I'm talking about a rear facing seat for a larger child, not an infant carrier. And if you used the latch system while the base was in the middle you didn't read the instructions.


    Actually this is untrue, almost all literature I have read states the most safe place for the seat bottoms is the middle seat in the back seat.


    "The safest place for all children younger than 13 years to ride is the back seat. If possible, it may be best to ride in the middle of the back seat." From

    Car Seats: Information for Families for 2013


    It does go on to say that some vehicles latch systems make it difficult to use the middle seat. The middle works great in my truck.

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