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05GT Guru

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Posts posted by 05GT Guru

  1. Don't forget a respirator! It's not bad outside, just a dust mask will do, but inside would suck with out one.


    Yea, I factored that in but ty. I want to get it done and cleaned up before the carpet guy comes next weekend.

  2. Yup, rented a floor sander from home depot. Think it was like 80 bucks with the cost of the rental and pads.


    The rails and such didn't really need much, but I hit them with my orbital where needed.


    I am going to do this today after work. We pulled the carpet out of the hallway and want to redo the hardwood that was underneath. Also pulled all the other carpet on the first floor as it is being recarpeted. Repainted the entire interior and replaced trim on the second floor. Cannot wait to have a usuable 1st floor again.

  3. I left college and went to another state after a month and a half of my first semester. 3 years went by before I went back and finished with a 3.65 overall. Some people just need to mature a bit before taking on something like that and I was one of those people. Still have maturing to do but at least I can focus on school work now.


    Some kids also fall off over time. I had a few friends who were doing great the first semester or year but after time they fell into the party scene. Grades then suffered and a few were even kicked out of school after having great first years.

  4. I think I would rather deal with a sick 5 year old that can tell me what's wrong and blow their own nose :lol:


    We have a nanny and it works out great.


    Even 2 year olds can tell you what is wrong and most of the time if you know your kid you can figure it out anyway. Nobody wants a sick baby or child though..... unless you are looking for an excuse to skip work.

  5. The social aspect is one of the things the wife and I like the most about daycare.


    It will be interesting to see the differences between mine. The 1st kid went to daycare as Mommy and I worked the same shifts. Now I still work the same shift but mom works 5:30pm to 1am and our second child has never been to daycare. The first child is in school now and is doing good. The only complaint we got from her teacher is "Lily has a problem allowing other people to make their own decisions." AKA bossy. I see this all the time. I tell her often I am not going to play whatever game we are playing if she is going to make up rules so that she always wins or doesn't acknowledge mine or anyone elses ideas. She even tricks kids into playing games her way, convincing them it will be better for everyone.


    I am sometimes unsure on where to draw the line. On one hand I do not want her to expect everything to go her way or have her demand that it goes her way but on the other I do not want her to supress her opinion or ideas.

  6. daycare's great. I could do without every cold/virus in creation coming back into our home. LOL


    There is no way to stop that, it would happen once school starts anyway. Besides they need to build up their immune system anyway.... and social skills.

  7. Yeah. I wasn't a fan of baby stage. Cute and all that, but seriously unrewarding, IMO--they give very little back. Not meaning to sound harsh here, lol, but my son learning stuff and playing, etc is very cool.


    The best thing the baby stage gives back is when they realize who you are. You walk in and their face lights up and eventually say dada or whatever it is they call you..... probably asshole if you have baby mama drama. But atleast they recognize and love you.

  8. Your 7 month old will also start to get seriously interesting and cool. They become little super-computer driven learning things that interact with you. It's awesome :lol:


    They best thing about the age after is interacting with them. Teaching them, molding them. Doing the stuff that you remember as a child and loved as well as new stuff that you discover along the way.

  9. yeah just wait until they are mobile.


    Main reason why people want another kid when there last one is 2-3 years.... because they miss the baby stage. That cute, loveable, smiley stage where they are unable to talk back and do not care or comprehend button pushing drama.

  10. I hate this thread right now. lol


    my poor little innocent 7 month old, will be a monster soon.


    Babies are so easy... atleast mine were. Enjoy these first year and a half to two years as much as you can. You really need to enjoy every stage though.

  11. Yep, tried that too. points to one thing, open it and he throws a fit says he wants the other thing. try for 5-10 minutes to get him to take the one he chose and the longer you try the more stubborn he gets on it. It used to work but I'm thinking its just the asserting independence thing right now.


    No kid is going to starve themselves to death unless they have a disorder where they do not feel hunger. Lay the options out there, if they choose one and you make it or open it or cook it and they refuse to eat it then refuse to make them anything else until they DO eat it. They eventually will.


    I go through this with my five year old sometimes. She started eating very little of her dinner and trying to eat snacks before bed. So then I told her no snacks will be given if she does not eat her dinner. When this happens and she says she is hungry I just rewarm her dinner and she eats that before bed. If she does eat well and then plays for a few hours and is then hungry again then snacks are given.

  12. 2 is when the time outs started. Do not give in to their every cry, whine, or scream fest. That jsut teaches them to keep doing it. You do not want to be one of those parents with a 8 or ten year old who screams there head off and rolls around on the floor everytime you tell them no.
  13. The vacuum is just too burly for him. He LOVED dusting, which I wasn't quite sure how to deal with given the context. ;)


    Last night he decided to throw stuff at his mom in anger. "It wasn't even big stuff". He changed his mind about how heavy/big it was when directed to stand straight up and hold it in front of him with arms extended and locked at a 90* angle to his body until I said otherwise.


    Pushing my buttons, he is. This is a new pattern of crappy behavior on his part. Not quite sure wtf I'm doing.


    I hear you on that one.


    Sometimes I feel the same way. You just have to stay consistent to avoid confusing them. To ensure they know what is an isn't acceptable and what is expected. Balance is key, you still need to let them be a kid, make a few mistakes and enjoy the freedom of being young while keeping them in check and molding them into a good, respectful person.


    IT IS NOT EASY and that is why there are so many shitty people in the world.

  14. Vacuuming: Apparently the seventh circle of hell for six year olds.


    Figured some of you may find this information useful in the future.


    My 5 year old loves vacuuming and dusting. Every weekend she is right there next to me dusting the living room and bedrooms. She spent the first 4 years of her life at home with her mother during the days and has clearly picked up her cleaning skills from her.

  15. My kid learned the waterworks get him nowhere with me pretty quick. He can turn it off and on at will. I think it's a skill most 5 year old's possess...


    As I said before some friends see some of my parenting as "mean" so the waterworks do not get far with me either. But she still puts them on. They def work with the grandmas.

  16. Just had a loud discussin with my daughter. She was complaining that she couldn't find sweatshirts that her mom put away in her room. She's 10 and her room is a constant mess. I said that if she actually put her clothes away instead of relying on her mom or dad to do so for her, she might know where they were. She did not like this and cried and retreated to her room, locking the door.


    I foresee a minor battle in our future.


    My 5 year old is good at going from complaining to crying. She is so dramatic, sometimes I just have to laugh.

  17. We figured it made the baby shower easier for people to deal with if they knew which sex the munchkin was going to be. When we have a second one, I have no idea if we'll find out or not.


    When you have a kid at age 62 like KRB they do not feel the need to throw a baby shower.

  18. I convinced my wife not to find out the baby's gender while pregnant 10 yrs ago. We were rare birds according to the doctor in making that decision, but it was a good one. I wanted a baby girl, and when she was born I shouted in glee, "It doesn't have a penis!" Doctor and nurses said they had never heard that in the delivery room before.


    I like to know ahead of time but I have a few friends/family who wait.

  19. lunch at Carrabbas, changed the oil and steamed blue crabs that night. Good day with the wife and kids.


    Had burgers and brats at my dads. Then my girl cooked steaks for my friend and I for dinner. And a pudding, peanut butter cream pie with nutter butter and chocolate crust.


    Speaking of Carrabbas I took my mother to dinner for her birthday tonight and she picked Carrabbas.

  20. Woke up at 10. Went to Dad's house at 11am. Went to fathers day car show which happens to be a block away from my dad's house. Pretty much all domestics. Saw a Ford GT that was having throttle plate issues. Still amazes me how those cars have so many issues, even more so engine issues when they use that engine in other vehicles that seem to be more reliable. Went back to Dad's house played wit hsome swords and fireworks. Then went to a friends house for a Father's day party at 6ish which was fun. Went home put the kids to bed, got a BJ, fell asleep soon afterwards.
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