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Everything posted by whobaru

  1. It says $19.99. What happened?
  2. ^^^ either that or she has an evil plan brewing.
  3. I think that was the intention, unlike what the picture has been made out to portray.
  4. Oh, there are and will be plenty of times ...and why use cheese in a derogatory fashion? I like cheese. End of story.
  5. I say you get what you pay for.
  6. ^^^ those r some good prices! This is coming from a T.V. salesperson.
  7. be careful of b-grade components!
  8. http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x312/kagenmateer/BIGMouseNOMNOM.jpg
  9. http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x312/kagenmateer/Nom_face.gif
  10. http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x312/kagenmateer/Racechicks.jpg
  11. I'm just not big on advertising the 2.5 ...just seems a little small.
  12. Are you drunk Git? You've been saying confusing things tonight.
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