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Posts posted by BMac1203

  1. Alright took me like three days to get through all 12 pages. Some great info in here and very impressive setups. Just a question, why are you running the ground wires through the whole car when you can ground it in the trunk?


    BMac, about how much will one of these bezels cost? I'm not sure if I want to take the time to fabricate my own and yours is pretty damn clean.




    PM'd you.

  2. Ahhh, gotcha. I know certain things matter with XPe, but does embedding iG and RR really matter? Shouldnt be any different than normal XP in that sense. I dont believe that RR or iG use any extra services (that XPe wouldnt have/need). Can't be sure though I guess.


    Congrats on XPe though. I was thinking of running XPlite, but I read a few forums that said it can be more of a hassle than it's worth. Are your load times any better? I ask because some of the CF cards' data transfer rates are actually slower than my SATA drive's transfer rate.


    Hoping for the best!

  3. Yes, it would fit that screen. That screen is actually just the 629 model with a special process to make it sunlight readible. My current screen is a 629, so my bezel would be made for the screen you speak of.


    Keep me updated on your project and any way that I can help. I'm going to have A LOT of time on my hands this summer, so I guess I'll be doing a lot of this stuff.

  4. Nope, because right now, my wires are behind the radio. I pulled them from behind the glove compartment, behind the cubby & radio. Pulled it from hood into glovebox, then to the left down behind the radio, then ran it up the center under the console, etc.


    Exactly what you'll be doing. (minus under the console if your PSU is behind the radio)

  5. There's two options. Drivers side and passenger side. Ill take pics when I do mine. I'm running:



    1 x 10awg wire for +12v for the PSU

    1 x 10awg wire for -GND for the PSU

    1 x 18awg wire for ACC/Remote for the PSU



    1 x 18awg RED/BLK wire for +12v & GND for the Screen

    3 x USB extension cables

    1 for Screen

    1 for GPS Receiver

    1 for USB Hub


    Then of course there's the stereo wire for sound and the ground loop isolator.


    I put an inline 2amp fuse in the power line for the Screen, and

    I put an inline 15amp fuse in the power line for the PSU


    Ill take pics of everything.

  6. Right, thats how I did mine as well. Just seems unreasonable for a 1/2" difference on the same size (7" diagonal viewable) screen.


    Still pondering how to make the design universal. I guess I need to buy a Xenarc...

  7. The first set, is that possible?


    The lilliput is 165mm wide and 105mm high. Could these screens really be 1/4" different on either side? That seems unreasonable, huge difference.


    But, Ive been wrong before.

  8. Oh Oh Oh gotcha.


    So first set is edge of touchscreen to edge of touchscreen.


    2nd is viewing hole of the front of the original panel/case that gets molded in.

  9. I didn't see you mention it, but are you making the bezel to Xenarc or Lilliput size?


    I had the idea to offer to make mine for people when trdvibe was having problems with the person who made hers, but I didn't have the time to do it.



    Im in the works of trying to produce a Xenarc and Lillput universal bezel. The problem is that I dont have the cash to buy a Xenarc just for testing, and doubt anyone is willing to let me borrow theirs.


    If anyone has the EXACT measurements of the screen size (just the physical screen) that would be awesome.

  10. Speechless BMAC. You have out OEMed Subaru. That navi bezel seriously looks made in Japan on a production line. You have my utmost respect.


    Now I really have to go back to my initial post and edit things into a Table of Contents.


    Hah, well that's the plan. These will hopefully soon actually be from a production line, and hopefully cheap.


    I'll be posting more pictures this weekend, as I am re-wiring the entire car for my new PSU.

  11. Just acquired another spare Cubby, so expect another cubby bezel coming ASAP.


    Would someone mind sending me the EXACT dimensions of the Xenarc 7" screen?


    I mean once it's disassembled, just the dimensions of the LCD (testing fitment, hoping that my bezel will be universal to both Lilliput's like mine, and Xenarcs like some of yours).

  12. Agreed. I'm trying to get even more involved, by making the bezels for them. I love having a CarPC, wish everyone could have it, but most dont have the time to devote to this stuff.


    Or they end up with a project that is ongoing for a year, and still not finished.


    BUMP for inspiring others to start/finish their projects!


    (psssst....if any of you guys/girls need a bezel or case PM me)

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