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Posts posted by BMac1203

  1. I still need pics and a "materials used" list for the wiring from the battery through the firewall.. :)


    Noted! Sorry, I completely forgot! By Tuesday, expect a fill pictorial from yours truly.

  2. I wish that RR or CF would have a built-in app or plugin for iPod connection. Meaning I could plug in my iPod via USB, and somehow interface with it through my frontend software.


    Update: I get my new miniITX mobo on Monday (last one went bad, Logicsupply.com replaced it free of charge).


    <----- Excited

  3. i asked Rich to sticky this. Afterall, it is the sole remaining Car PC thread where people help eachother and do not try to sell their setup.


    Wow, that seems like so long ago now, but what a good thread that was....pause....NOT

  4. Thanks! Appreciated, in my two previous cars (Civic then Mazda3) I had to remove the kickpanel to find them. I took apart the whole footwell yesterday hah, but didnt happen to look right where you mention. Thanks again.
  5. You will feel it.


    Alright. Then I need your help. I took the whole passenger side footwell apart and couldnt find the service connectors. I know what they look like, Ive used them in my two previous cars, but I couldnt find them.


    Im probably just a retard. Can you pinpoint me to their location?

  6. Haha, its gonna bring me back to the day when I took delivery of my GT.


    I was honestly scared of my car for probably a week. Never driven a turbo before, nor AWD. The combination = tears of joy & heart attack all at once.


    Will I feel the diff between Stg1 & Stg2? It seems to have controversy. I mean, I understand that the gains are there, but it seems that they dont wow the guys like Stock -> Stg1 did.

  7. hah True. I guess I dont realize my own Hulk'ish strength. Looks like I dont need the CD anyways, but it really pisses me off that its broken.


    Im struggling with my decision, I have my invidia DP and gutted UP and my v2 AP...do I:


    A) Flash to Stg1 until I can install?

    B) Wait until I can install and flash straight to Stg2?


    I hear that many that go from Stg1 -> Stg2 don't really feel that much of a difference. So Im wondering if I should wait to go straight to Stg2 so that I my socks get knocked off...

  8. Im quoting David, the main programmer/contact person for CF from the mp3Car forums:


    "You can also use your own navigation solution such as MapPoint or iGuidance..."


    A comeback to someone mentioning the price point being too high.


    Looks like you can buy the SE version and use your own GPS software just like the RC5 release that you and I were/are using.

  9. True, sorry I didnt mean the use of DVDs directly. I just meant that for example, to get all features in RR working, you have to spend money (unless you dont want certain features; but I dont like having buttons that dont work, its an OCD issue hah).


    No, it will not lock GPS indefinitely. There is a simple command that unlocks this. And, I don't think that it will affect the iguidance plug-in.


    Im thinking about trying Destinator, and just getting the full embedded app. I dont own iGuidance and would have to purchase it on top of the other price anyways.


    Any idea what the BIG difference are between iG and Dest? I know that more people prefer iG, but why? Ive used iG but not Dest, so I cant give a testimonial.

  10. Nah man. It locks it by default, but if you add a command to the file, it takes that away.


    Its covered over at mp3car. Many guys worried about this, but turns out they made it default to save themselves legality issues. Theres a very simple override.


    I actually dont find the prices too bad. Because it includes all the software needed to do everything. To get RR to run, LEGALLY, I had to purchase PowerDVD, as well as download many little tidbits (winamp, etc.) to get it all running together. Not that it's THAT much of a hassle, but having a 1 file install is a big plus to me. So even an open source solution isnt free without doing something illegal. Same thing, most Nav maps are around $200. I figure that $349 for all the features, plus tech support and free updates is a plus.


    I liked RR, but it looked a little too unfinished for my taste. Trying to get as OEM as possible.

  11. Yup, I renamed a few of mine, didnt like most of the names & locations.


    Seb, I learned from plain just sitting and playing with the setup menu. I probably spent 10 mins just playing with EVERY setting, and now know CF like the back of my hand. It's surprisingly customizable, and surprisingly easy.

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