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Everything posted by rodan

  1. The problem with this is most urban people (especially liberals) really like the idea of rural life, so they invade, and then try to turn the rural area into an urban shithole... so they can have "value and amenities". This is exactly what's happened with all the Kalifornicators that have moved into AZ. I'm not saying you're that guy, 'cause I get it. I wasn't that guy, either, when I fled CA almost 30 years ago. It always starts with something like "Oh, I just love this place... it's so quiet. If it only had a Starbucks..." Next thing you know you have stoplights every hundred yards, and idiot Democrat transplants running for town council... so they can "tidy things up". Sorry, rant off... It's just a subject near and dear to my heart, because now I have to find somewhere safe from F'tards to retire. Not that such a place really exists anymore.
  2. Got to CO for a weekend of riding last month. Too busy to ride much... plus this is about the worst time of year for riding here.
  3. Nope, they're smart enough to know that a guy that builds cars from scratch probably hasn't got time for their shit! Besides, everyone knows the girls go for the Mustangs...
  4. Pro pics from FM Summer Camp are in, and I finally got time to sit down and go through everything... Most of these pics are by the pro photog for the event, Travis Ingram. All credit to him for the great shots, and apologies for some of the crops. You can check out his work here: https://www.travisingramphotography.com/ Lots of other cool cars there as well... how 'bout an LS3 NB on 275 Hoosiers? TRJolly1 by Rodan AZ, on Flickr Turbo Exocet? Or a handbuilt (as in the guy made every part of the chassis!) Seven rep with Miata drivetrain... Lots of great stuff... can't wait 'till next year!
  5. So.... we're still waiting for pics...?? I finally got around to replacing my droopy eyeballs with Eclipse vents.
  6. Actually, yes... planning to weld on fittings for AN lines for crankcase vent to catch can. The other one is in case I screw up the first one... Might try some porting and good valve springs on the cylinder head...
  7. Can't believe this thread has been quiet for two weeks! We just returned from Flyin' Miata Summer Camp 2018. Had a great time! Both the wife and I beat our times from last year, though I didn't make the goal I had set. It was extremely hot, though... didn't make for fast times. Car ran great, though has developed a couple of issues I'll need to address (more on that later). Truck ran perfectly, and the new tank achieved exactly the results I was looking for, and the reduced time in fuel stops saved us about an hour over the 1100 mile round trip. FM has some changes going on, and as a result was clearing out old stuff. The had a bunch of stuff at closeout prices and a whole bunch of parts from their salvage days, and V8 swap takeoffs that were free for the taking! Fortunately, I knew a guy with a trailer! Dumpster diving score: Also scored some other parts at great prices. More pics to come, and probably some video... lots of stuff to go through!
  8. My Colt 6920 has been stone reliable through many thousands of rounds (I really don't even know the round count). Then again, it's old enough to buy a drink...
  9. I honestly don't care about it that much. If I get flashed by people if/when I do drive it after dark, I'll give it some thought...
  10. Better than I expected... The funky reflection at the top is from the 'turn signal' housing the light is projecting through. Pretty good cutoff on the road as well... definitely enough for around town driving. Hopefully that reflection will be high enough not to bother other drivers. Not that I don't get blinded by everyone on the road when driving a Miata...
  11. Well, the front is two feet from a workbench...
  12. Finished the headlight delete/replacement project today. I don't expect that the LED lights would be suitable for DD use, but to get home in an emergency they should be sufficient, considering it's pretty unlikely this car will be driven at night these days.
  13. We're just over 50ft total length and ~22,000 lbs gross, depending on which car is in the trailer, and what else we're taking along. It can make parking lots very interesting...
  14. Ordered up a new fuel tank for the tow rig over Memorial Day weekend. Stock fuel is 33gal, this one is 55gal. Makes a significant difference at 9 mpg... Bigger tank is BIG! Good thing the sale included free shipping!!!
  15. Got the NACA duct installed. First step was cutting a nice big hole in the headlight lid... Once that was all smoothed out and the perimeter given some protective paint, in went the NACA duct. This thing should move a good bit of air... Next step is to finish the lighting.
  16. There's not really any airflow to that location without ducting it from somewhere else. The headlight lid is the only real place to pull air from, and the NACA duct that's going to go there takes up the space the filter would need. Eventually, things will change anyway. Either this motor will get a turbo, or it will get a non-native engine swap.
  17. Finished the air inlet. Decided to section the tubing for a better fit, then added the IAT bung and a mounting bracket.
  18. Got my intake stuff, and did a little bit last night after work. Mostly just mocked up for now... I'm debating sectioning the 'U' bend as shown here, which would allow the filter to be farther forward. As shown, it's about 4" over the target inlet length. NACA duct will go in the headlight door and funnel fresh air to the area. Also got my new rear hubs, from a group buy on MT.net... Modified from Toyota MR-S rear hubs, and should be stronger than the problematic Miata hubs. ARP studs, for studliness...
  19. Actually, I plan to install a NACA duct on the passenger side headlight lid for that very purpose. Won't be true 'ram air' though... no real way to seal the intake area.
  20. After some more hood hackage... headlight lids are riveted on.
  21. More like I'm too cheap to pay anyone to do it...
  22. You can wet sand/buff most single stage urethane paint. It's kind of a PITA with motorcycle parts, though... the buffing, anyway. For a track bike, I wouldn't bother.
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