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Posts posted by tommypenguin

  1. Should be a good time, I just talked to the body shop, my car is going off to the paint shop today, they have done all the body work. I was told to expect it to be ready by tuesday, wednesday at the latest. It feels like its been an eternity.


    I've had enough Chevy to last me for the rest of my life. The brakes squeak bad on the HHR, need to be replaced, same with the oem suspension. Feels like some of the previous renters pulled some "dukes of hazard" jumps with this car, it seems to bottom out over every speed bump or pulling it on to driveways, like the suspension is sagging.:confused:


    It always makes me laugh when somebody says they got a hooked up deal on a car through the rental company, I just wish them well and tell them to pray for reliabilty.

  2. Good suggestions guys. Obviously there is always a chance there's a decent girl at the bar or gym, but they are definitely few and far between. You are right scotty, it doesn't take long to figure out what a girl is out for. But the majority of the girls I've met since my last long relationship have been mostly 'booty call' material. I will try out some of the suggested places, and post my results when the time comes. ;)
  3. It would have been money for me to play off the humor, and keep the ball rolling when I asked her if everybody is laughing at me in this ride? But I just didn't feel it, totally lost my balls.:lol: I should have, just didn't.


    Ya as for getting women based on the ride, they are going to be trashy, definitely no dinner thing. While that hasn't necessarily been a problem in the past, I do get bored with relationships where emotion is absent. But I have no idea where to meet a 'decent' chic. Any suggestions? The bar definitely ain't the way to go.

  4. I'm in for a smoke Nick. Wonder where we should grab a bite this time around. Brett, you gotta make this one!


    Those HHR's are hideous! Total failure of an attempt to rip off the PT Cruiser.



    We could go to yolanda's tacos right there if people are up for some pretty good mexican.


    It is so embarrassing driving the HHR. The worst was last night when I rolled up to the gas station bumping some trance on XM radio that is in the car. I roll in and there is a hottie pumping some gas. Pull up stealth like, park at the pump furthest away. from her, which is only like 3 pumps away.


    I got out and started checking her out, not getting the attention recipriocated, and by crazy luck one of my friends rolls up to the pump next to me, not recognizing me. He had his windows down and I said, "Whats up?", he looks over at me and doesn't say a word. He gets out of the car and shouts, "why the f*** are you driving that car, it is heinous, you traded in your legacy for that, what happened man?". As soon as he says that the hottie filling up starts busting up laughing. I look over at her, watch her laugh for a couple seconds, and ask if everyone really is laughing at me in this car and she said, 'yes' while busting up laughing. I totally lost my nerve, normally I still would have attempted to hit on her, but the errand seemed pointless with her feeling sorry for me.


    My other rental car choices were a cobalt and aveo. I wasn't sure if I could fit my goalie equipment in those cars so I had to take the HHR. God I can't wait to get my ride back.:p

  5. Do we need a separate GH/video game thread? :lol:

    Never got into GH myself, playing Ace Combat 6 right now.


    Man I think we might need a GH thread, place you can post your high scores although me and Mweiner might be the only ones posting.:rolleyes: Ace Combat what is that?

  6. I will be there.


    TommyPenguin if you show, I am thinking of putting on my stock cans and you can see how different the sound is.


    I will try and make it but I can't make any promises. With the rockies and the new guitar hero game coming out at midnight, I'm a big nerd for that game. I will probably be up till 3am playing it, getting faded, not sure if I will be awake for the meet but if I am and not hungover, count me in. ;)


    Steve, if you end up putting on the stock muffs, let me know I do want to hear it and if I can't make the meet I'll just meet up with you locally.

  7. I didn't re-use the donut gasket on my CBE...just bolted the flanges together. I worry about that a lot. Should I?


    What dp and cbe are you running? When I put my cobb 2.5" tapered dp to my 3" Perrin CBE what would be the best way to seal the connection?

  8. We can reschedule...but I am not entirely sure about the 27th......but this opens me up for a wicked party on Saturday night out east (anyone want to go fiesta?!?!), and also will give me some breathing room on the shipping of necessary parts, and I might be able to get my exhaust in by then! Yeah, we can reschedule. Only thing is I have to be back next Saturday night for a Halloween party.....time to hit up goodwill for some Hammer pants!


    Are you referring to "Can't touch this" M.C. hammer pants, aka geenie pants?:lol:

  9. I want to join the meat!

    Only because I want someone experienced to listen to my car and tell me if I have any exhaust leaks.


    Do you have any exhaust mods yet han? I wouldn't worry about it a whole lot if you're still stock. What sound are you hearing that makes you think you have an exhaust leak?

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