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Everything posted by LongHiway

  1. Congrats. Stay out of the back seat of your car on point 2.
  2. Have you tired Tresca on Hanover? Probably my favorite for "hi-end" Italian meal. In the burbs, I'll go to Fiorella's anytime. Not at the level of L'Adana. A co-worker just tried the new place in Belmont, Il Casale and enjoyed it very much.
  3. Great Restuarant (work within a mile of the place) but, not my car. The ownership also runs Mooo and Mistral.
  4. TC Lando's in Maynard (the original). Best cheese steaks, larger, poor parking.
  5. Well, I'll have to admit it would take upwards of an hour to get a glow on and, by that time the wife has passed out. The puppies probably can go 5 minutes.
  6. My wife tells me it gets harder every year as I get older, and you?
  7. I tried the fix using WD-40. It took a few hours for the lube to get where it needed but, it worked well. Thanks,
  8. Those prices are not unusual for Boston - hi-priced restaurants, and many of the hotels are attracting hi-end restaurants as well. Regrettably, a hotel restaurant in the middle of Brock ton knows your expense account will pay almost whatever they charge, let alone pay for the convenience of not having to drive around an unfamiliar city. Give us a heads-up next time. A Subie owner from Virginia came to Boston last summer and the thread of recommendations went on for 10 pages.
  9. Cape Cod is close to Brockton. If you are from CO, they have this thing on the Cape called an ocean. Pretty cool to see. They also have beaches and bikini's. They might be even better.
  10. The backend breaking away or, trying to overtake the front end happend to me once - 4 spd Auto. I was coming off the highway during a heavy rain and hydro-planed on the ramp - temps way above freezing. I came off the gas pretty quick but, the brakes ended up saving me as I ended up sliding sideways for, maybe 10 yards. IMHO, the center transmission couldn't figure out what to do. A few months later I found out the factory alignment was crap and one of the rear tires was bald on the inside which did not help either.
  11. I think Subie markets this stuff (PZEV) for their granola image but also for various state emission control good will. If your state (ala MA) has a dyno to test emission controls, Suubies are exempt until 4 wheel dynos are commonplace. So, zero partial emissions goet legislator good will and exemptions.
  12. OK. Here's my "dilemna". After going through 2 - 3 pairs of bulbs a year (and getting to pit stop speed for changing the bulbs), I bought a set of generics the last time I was at the autoparts store. I am going on 8 months now - a record. So, I'm looking to buy the Rallye's as the backup pair that I will eventually need. Or, stay with the crap generics - which are hard to find since Autozone is buying every parts supply store locally and, they only stock Sylvania. But, for $40, I don't think the Rallye's are more expensive that the generics. thanks,
  13. Scarey message however, "same 500 hour life as the H7 bulb..." But, a darn good price. A decent company to send my credit card to??
  14. Back in the day, is was common for poorly spec'd / manufactured voltage regulators to blow headlights regularly. The simple fix was to replace the voltage regulator which worked more often than not. Unfortunately in "modern" cars and in Subaru (I already checked with a dealer), the voltage regulator is part of the starter motor / assembly. Subaru quoted me $760 to replace the starter, which means I'll live with he problem until I can get around to replacing the starter myself or, just going for the 65W Rallye's from Daniel Stern. What is interesting, is that for the first 2 years I always used Silverstars as replacement bulbs, the "long life" version lasted the shortest. Last winter, I figured I'd try the cheapest OEM replacements I could find & save some dough (not easy, Silverstars are almost the only replacements sold locally around here). The cheapest ones I could find have now lasted almost a year. I was going throhgh 2 - 3 pair a year using Silverstars. Which, blows out of the water my voltage regulator theory.
  15. Supposedly, oil from a finger creates a hot spot on the bulb leading to premature failure.
  16. The solution you guys have found is so simple, makes me wonder why Subaru does not recommend these as replacements.
  17. I think the 10 watts for current drain is a non-issue as well but, let me ask anyway, I'm worried about the extra heat generated. Just from the 55 W bulbs burning out (repeatedly), I've already scorched the bulb housing noticeably and, the whole assembly is sealed up fairly tight.
  18. I've just gone back and skimmed this thread, have you gusy who switched to the Rallye 65 W H7's still satisified? Light output aside, no issues with bulb life, extra heat, power consumption? I've got another couple of months before my replacement Silverstars burn out and would like non HID options.
  19. I wonder if this issue is not mechanical per se' but, the internal logic on how power is getting sent forward or backward? I hydo-planned real bad a few months ago, seemed like my rear end had all this power, trying to push ahead of the front.
  20. I got rid of a '97 Outback only because I was tired of listening to my wife complain about her old car - that and 2 year 0% financing. Realistically, the car is good for 200 K miles. If you are serious (and you'll find legions of Outback loyalists) and will little money, 300 + K is very doable. In a way, I preferred the '97 over the 2006 she now drives for your exact statement, it was rugged and an elegantly simple car. Looked good as well.
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