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Everything posted by dohturdima

  1. My first thought was, "WRX has air suspension? Kewl!". Honestly, I wouldn't think about retrofitting it on the Legacy - the system was not designed for our cars, and too many things can fail even if you so ehow were able to get the install to work. I wouldn't mess with Legacy's suspension at all - it is a very good suspension setup that soaks up bumps and compares favorably with my '18 Q7 with air suspension. If granny needs a higher vehicle, consider borrowing an SUV with floorboards.
  2. This happened to my wife recently, and I sent her this YouTube video to help unlock the steering wheel. Apparently turning the steering wheel after the car is shut off locks it, which is a security feature. To unlock it, need to turn the wheel (which will have a slight give) to the left or the right while keeping your foot on the brake simultaneously starting the car. The video is for keyed starter, but the same rule applies to the keyless. https://youtu.be/1mOM3yj-P8A?si=uyOvniZyuVmf3gQa
  3. Well, given that there are roughly 3?Outbacks sold for every Legacy sedan, it's not surprising.
  4. I noticed that the iPhone would get hot when using the Subaru charger, so stopped using it and instead got a Magsafe vent-attached charger which works perfectly without overheating phone.
  5. Dude, you should know as well as anyone it's not the electronics but thought behind the bypass and the supply /demand. Some pay 1k for a set of chrome rims, others think it ridiculous waste of $. As for the rest, "an insult is only an insult if accepted". Could not agree more. The problem is, manufacturers are deliberately taking these choices away. I can still code using OBD11 in my '18 Audi Q7, but as of '23 the coding is no longer possible.
  6. No argument from me, I am relatively new on this forum- but no one is 100% right all the time . Silverton's point was that ASS eliminator is a worthless mod, given that we can turn it off with a touch of a button - that paying $100 for it is stupid, and he wishes that he had ASS in his car and operational. My point was that not having to remember to do it every single time I start the car was worth it to me, that I find ASS (not just in this car, but in any car I've ever driven thus far) an annoying and useless feature and there are plenty of others who share this opinion (which is why the sellers of Autostop eliminator have a number of cars listed, and would have folded shop a while ago if the demand wasn't there). My point is, not every new feature is necessarily going to be a winner: ABS was and still is, ASS is not - at least, not yet. The negative impact the ASS has on your starter, the timing chain, the fact that now we need to pay extra for an AGM battery does not seem to phase the manufactures fighting for every MPG (no matter how meager the savings) to demonstrate their committment to improving gas mileage. Ethanol in gasoline, recent push towards EVs that is now being scaled back - plenty of similar examples of "great" ideas that aren't ready for prime time. The above is my opiniton, and it's OK to disagree and argue your point, but try to do so without ad hominem (calling another's choice "silly", telling them to stick to buying old tech, and posting that Youtube video certainly was). Lastly, I'm aware that Subaru owes me nothing, just as any car manufacturer - and they can add, remove features or make them more nagging - without warning. When I test drove the Legacy, I noticed the intrusive and half-baked Driver Monitoring System - the Salesperson simply shrugged his shoulders and showed me how to turn it off, and "it will stay off it you want it to". Well, it did stay off - until I installed a software update, which caused DMS to turn on with every start, with me hunting though the menus to turn it off (along with ASS). Thankfully, a piece of electrical tape solved that problem. The ASS bypass solved another.
  7. The point seems lost on you, so you resort to absurd strawman argument about ABS. If ASS was such a similarly useful / popular feature, why does every major auto forum has a thread dedicated turning it off? Yep, you wish that you could have come up with bypass but you did not, whereas someone else did for multiple makes / models and is now raking in the $$$ from all of us rubes, who could have just pushed a button
  8. I wouldn't be too concerned about carbon buildup and oil burn in a Japanese engine, whcih is deliberately designed to for longevity rather than performance-first (vs Germans, which burn oil and contribute to carbon buildup). Just change oil as recommended and add a Techtron or similar every other change.
  9. You know, opinions are like a$$holes - everyone's got one. Since you don't have a car with ASS - have you driven a recent Legacy with one? It is harsh and jerky, but if that floats your boat then enjoy. I would have skipped it if it could not be turned off, so natural kid that disabled it completely is great for me. I would have gladly paid more for a 6-speed vs CVT, an engine with slightly less turbo lag but it is what it is. Still love my ride.
  10. I only have had two cars with ASS (Legacy XT '22 and Audi Q7 '18), both require it to be turned off manually with every start. Yeah, these are minor inconveniences - but now two minor inconveniences less
  11. I think I understood him just fine... and IMO what IS truly silly is manufacturers forcing unwanted / questionable "safety" electronic nanny and "environment-saving" start-stop features upon customers, who have to then resort to these workarounds just to get rid of them.
  12. Can you provide the part number for the Outback rear coils (were you just able to replace the Legacy springs with Outback's - or the entire assembly (strut/spring and mounts) had to be swapped out)? I actually would like to install these over my stock ones - not just for the reasons you mention, but the fact that the car bottoms out on driveway ramp since I installed a hitch (which otherwise has a reasonable clearance) when there are passengers in the back. I think the coil replacement will solve both problems and improve the ride, as you mentioned.
  13. Same here - I keep getting flashed at night by every 3rd - 5th car, and was getting very annoyed by this (to a point I would flash them back with "real" hibeams"). Will look at adjusting the angle.
  14. Obviously you see no value in this (in which case, why bother posting at all? Just move on) - Or...- do you have a better solution? $100 is well worth it to me for what this mod accomplishes. I paid more for ODB11 dongle to code this Start-stop off my Audi (which has a way smoother iteration of start-stop than the harsh/jerky Subaru's - still did not want / need it). Obviously, ODB11 can be used for much more, but you still have to pay for the credits to use it - but if it allows me a driving experience that I prefer, will gladly pay for them as well. Sure, I could keep manually turning it off the start-stop every time I start the car, just like I can turn off the DMS - having to toggle through menus. This is a set-and-forget solution that permanently disables the annoying start-stop - and one I can remove easily anytime I wish if I was to sell/trade/service the car and needed it stock.
  15. My battery is working fine still, but I expect it to crap out given what I am reading here. Found the TSB (attached here). So I assume that I can't get it replaced unless it fails the following? "A valid battery test code or an authorization with reason Leaking/cracked battery with be required for Claim submission" MC-10226858-0001.pdf
  16. Did this months ago and couldn't be happier. Start-stop in the Legacy is rough and jarring. Another "mod" I highly recommend is a piece of electric tape over the driver monitoring nanny Big Brother Eye - disables the darn thing after a minute.
  17. Thank you for sharing - the EcoHitch lis definitely ositioned higher than my DrawTite, and will likely not bottom out (if there was an extra inch or two of clearance I would not have any problems). I think I will bite the bullet and get the EcoHitch as the replacement, as constant bottom-outs have caused the bottom part of the receiver to wear down and eventually it will completely wear away.
  18. if that's the case. Any other options that help solve the clearance issue? There is no stealth EcoHitch option for the Legacy, only Hidden (meaning no removable receiver, which would have sort of solved this problem as I would mount the receiver with the mounted bike rack after exiting the driveway).
  19. I installed a Draw-Tite 76332 Class III hitch and now am regretting it bigly. Should have gone with the hidden hitch option, which was more expensive and allows you to remove the receiver. The Draw-Tite is a nicely made hitch but it sits too low and the received scratches the ground every time I leave my driveway or back into it. It would work for the Outback with its clearance but does not work for our cars. I am thinking of just removing it and selling it before it gets completely destroyed and ponying up for the right hitch.
  20. Would like to know this as well (new bushing?) as whether a sway-compatible bracket, links etc were also needed or did the stock ones work somehow?
  21. A strip of electrical tape will solve your DMS problem.
  22. Thank you for posting the links and your experience with the mods. Could you please post a link to the bushings you installed - and any thoughts on upgrading the sway itself (I 've read somewhere that the outback sway is compatible with the Legacy d it is larger /stiffer)
  23. Installed the Draw Tite hitch, and and am already regretting not going with the EcoHitch instead as I am scraping the bottom when backing in my driveway, which has a sight incline. Have to back in really slowly now for it not to happen.
  24. Front camera is terrible resolution wise, and I had to add aftermarket ultrasonic sensors because for whatever reason Subaru did not deem it neceesary. The leather seats are great though.
  25. I knew what I was buying (a family sedan with an upgraded engine and a CVT), so my expectations weren't great to begin with as far as handling, cornering etc. If I wanted these things, I would have gone for an S5 (want, but cannot justify the expense) or at least a Genesis/Q50/Stinger, Nevertheless, would like to upgrade the sway, add a strut bar, and have better brake/shock options but I realize that this isn't the car to mod - need a true sports sedan for that.
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