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new momo pedals


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well i wanted something different than the sti pedals so i got me the momo aluminum superturismo set. it's sweet and the great thing is that it matches my momo steering wheel. i had the same person that installed my xmradio drill my pedals on.


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yes i had them drilled by a pro. didn't take so long though. it makes sense having momo pedals and and a matching stock steering wheel. i really wanted to upgrade my shift knob but i really like the stock one. matter of fact, living in texas you don't want something made of metal because that gets really hot.




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Guest *Jedimaster*
yes i had them drilled by a pro. didn't take so long though. it makes sense having momo pedals and and a matching stock steering wheel. i really wanted to upgrade my shift knob but i really like the stock one. matter of fact, living in texas you don't want something made of metal because that gets really hot.




I'm with you on that one. Summers with the Momo knobs are horrible. Plus, the stock one is weighted perfectly for me. I still like having the option of putting a different one on every now and then.

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