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21.3 MPG is as high as it will go?


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Thanks TSi!!! You guys got me, I was just trying to pull some shit. That was right after a fill up and I got on the parkway and did a lot of coasting. Surprised more people didn't fall for it. I guess you guys are smarter than I give you credit for:)



Yeah man, give me a break if you think i'm gonna believe that crap...especially when I get V8 gas mileage...in a 4 BANGER!:rolleyes:

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Yeah man, give me a break if you think i'm gonna believe that crap...especially when I get V8 gas mileage...in a 4 BANGER!:rolleyes:

I can agree with you about it being less eficant then you thought a 4 cylinder would be but we have AWD, so we have power and its an all season driveable car. Dont get we wrong I woud love a RWD V8 but they suck in the snow and drift too easily, I have no problem haveing a smaller engine putting out ve power and geting the same milage, you save weight withouth the bigger block, and they fit into smaller cars that weigh less.


With more weight means the handleing is going to be worse and there is going to be more wear on the suspention parts and they will probably be more expencive to replace.


The way I see it I have an extreamly functional car that is fun to drive, great out of the package, and afordable.

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Well, i've managed to go from 17.7 via computer (17.3 via fillup) to a max of 19.8 via computer (18.2 via fillup) doing 80% suburban "city" driving.


PArt of it was getting off my initial oil form the factory. That plus putting the tires at 37f-35r pushed it from 17.7 to 18.3 with essentially identical driving patterns.


This is all for me and my 5eat, your milage may vary.. no pun intended.


Next up I added SMOOTH to my driving vocabulary. basically no harsh starts unless it's for fun and i'm willing to pay for it. If stuck in light ot light trafic or speed and slow on the highway, try to avoid getting into boost. i.e. keep it under 3k. There's no place to go anyway in heavy traffic. If going downhill, coast. If there is an uphill after the downhill, start accelerating on the downhill, you'll likely save a downshift to get up the rise at a decent speed (it's all gradual hills around here, this likely is meaningless in real hilly regions). If you are going to have to actualy step on it to get up to speed, don't mash it, but don't be timid. Get on the boost and get off the boost. If you have hit your target speed, but your RPMs are still above cruise RPMS, get off the gas. Don't bother waiting for the transmission to bring them down for you. And, apparantly, most important of all. DON'T pay attention to the real time MPG mode. Trying to keep that high resulted in about 18.0 avg MPG, and was essentially punishment. driving smooth was more enjoyable and got higher MPG numbers.

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