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Anyone up for an informal South Bay meet?


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I was thinking maybe one evening next week. Would be cool to meet some local forum members and check out their rides. Who's in?


I don't mean to steal Gary's thunder. This isn't intended as a substitute for his event next month.

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I won't be anywhere near there, but have you thought of any places in mind? I know you said South Bay, but it seems many of the members frequently active are from the Sac. area. Either that or I only pay attention to them :p. Jk jk
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I won't be anywhere near there, but have you thought of any places in mind? I know you said South Bay, but it seems many of the members frequently active are from the Sac. area. Either that or I only pay attention to them :p. Jk jk


You know you want to drive out here after work one evening next week. Organize a convoy. ;)


Maybe the Mann Engineering event next month is the better opportunity for gathering people from further afar. http://www.legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13654

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Well, there hasn't been an exactly overwhelming response here..... But maybe people would just show up.


How about Thursday evening (8/11) at 7 pm?


Suggestions for a location? All we need is a parking lot - preferably close by a major freeway.

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