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Scraped my wheel!


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I scraped my wheel rubbing it on a curb :( I don't think there is any way to clean it up, but if anyone has any recomendations let me know. [url]http://s2k.gamedaemons.net/DSCF0019.JPG[/url]
Ouch, that sucks :cry: It took me only 3 months in my first car to accidently curb a wheel. The rim-protector on the RE92 must be worthless! I would suggest sanding the minor scratches down with some fine grit sandpaper and then follow up with a buffing pad. Then try to find some car/wheel paint that matches the wheel color to blend the nicks in and protect the bare metal. You could do the same for the larger gash, but it would still stand out. Total cost ~$5 and it would make things look less noticeable.
Sounds like a reasonable recommendation to me. Worst case scenario it doesn't work and you aren't any worse off than you are now. Sorry to hear about your scrape. :( </commiserate>


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