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Removing interior scuffs w/ pics

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Does anyone know how to remove scuffs on the door panels from people hitting them with their shoes.


I've tried 303 and Meguire Quick Interior Detailer, neither seemed to do anything.


Thanks in advance,






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i got tired of my scuffs, on my beige interior which were black, so i went to my friends interior shop who does all our old hot rods. he pulled out a bottle of some special order stuff and with a little scrubbing they all came right off. he said the company will not sell to the public, but he knows the owner well and they said that it is basically bug and tar removar (the company sells both too humm?). He said after you use the remover to clean the surface with a good interior cleaner and to condion it it necessary.
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Hmm..i just use armor all wipes or some kind of orange wipes that you can get at walmart in the auto section, takes care of all but the meanest and most ground in smudges and scuffs on the plastic surfaces. Its called Greased Lightening Orange Blast Wipes
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
I had a similar problem with shoe scuffs on the lower door panels of my Grand Prix. They came off with a little shot of "Tuff Stuff" cleaner on one of those flat scrub pads (fiber not steel wool), used gentle pressure and it cleaner it up nicely. If the panel is actually scratched then you are SOL.
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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 year later...
she also curbed 2 wheels on the passenger side... she bought me

a new set of AR1's with new tires. :D


She have a sister?!


I still recommend soap and water. Try Dawn ... it does a great job of breaking things up.


Always be sure to go back and treat everything when you're done.

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What is lexol?

Not so sure about the shoe polish.


my mother uses Lexol to condition her leather horseback riding saddles. good stuff. we use it to condition the leather drive belt on our 1912 harley too. its good stuff



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