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pin stripe advice


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Hey guys, I am the proud owner of a new 2012 Legacy in GGM (pics to come soon). I am currently in the process of removing the pin stripe, the dealer badge, the factory installed moonroof air deflector, and tinting the windows. I've already removed the dealer badge, which was more like a sticker, with no problem. When I removed the moonroof air deflector, I noticed it left a sort of outline of it. I did my best to clean it off and polish it out (used armor all polish), and now it's only visible at certain angles in the light. Not too big of a deal since no one really looks at my roof anyways.


Now I'm afraid that if I remove the pin stripe, it would leave the same type of outline. When I got the car, I couldn't decide if I wanted it on or not. It seems like a long sticker, so it looks easy to peal off, and I've already researched various methods to remove the stripe. Besides a good wash/polish/wax, does anyone have any advice on the matter? Thanks in advance.

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There is a wheel called an "eraser wheel" that you put on a drill that will take the pin stripe right off. Otherwise a hair dryer or heat gun and some time will work as well. Then use an adhesive remover like 3m to take off the residue. Then once you have a clean surface, have it buffed out if needed with compound or polish whatever it needs and you should be looking good. I wouldn't worry about fading of the paint and the pinstripe leaving a line after removal. The car is new and you don't have to worry.


Also the line on the roof is prolly from the visor "rubbing on the paint". Have someone that knows how to use a buffer hit it with some heavier compund and polish it. Then you shouldn't beable to notice it depending on how bad the scratching is to begin with.

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Thanks for the advice guys. Sorry I haven't been able to post pics of it yet, been really busy with work. But I'll be sure to take some before and after shots, hopefully I can get it done tomorrow on my day off.


@BMA44: Haha, yes! It was from them. Funny thing was when I went to pick up the car, I saw an Outback with the same pinstripe pattern and in the exact same color as my car. I fould the invoice for the pinstripe in my glove and it listed the cost at $200... Which they would have used that $200 for something better, lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

if its the vinyl pinstrip , just take a hair dryer to it and pull up a end then just keep pulling down the whole side then just wipe the car with prep sol , or 3m adhesive remover, to get the glue off, eith of them wont hurt the paint at all ,...


shit mine were painted on. ugly color to, aqua and light blue on rbp....

i tried the oven cleaner thing was a pain and took to long , i had to use 3000 wet trizec paper hand sand it then just buffed it up . still slightly see a line but that might blend when the summer comes


easy for me as i work at a body shop and thats all i do is detail, prep and paint so im use to getting out scratchs and marks on cars .

picture of the fender is the place i used easyoff , still have to sand and buff that fender


before at the dealer when i picked it up .

and after i sanded and buffed




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Sorry for the delay in pics. After I removed the pinstripes, I've been busy with work and the weather has been too bad to take pics. But here is a quick pic of before and after. I didn't really get any good shots of before though.




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