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You have got to be kidding me!


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An ILLEGAL immigrant can get cheaper tuition rates than an out of state US Citizen? Does that sound right to you? Metro State seems to think so. We will see when its put to a vote on Thursday. :mad: I don't know about you but the fact this is even being considered again makes me sick!


-End very short as-PC-as-possible (for me) rant.



2012 Xterra Pro-4X

2003 Outback Sedan Limited



"Dedicated Unhesitating Service To Our Fighting Forces"

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My opinion ... sure. If you're going to Metro State in the first place, you f***ed up. If move to another state to attend a community college, you should just kill yourself.
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Sick and wrong for sure! Brady I too, some pre-reqs at Metro... it is just fine and I'm doing quite well. Funny comments, though. Illegal aliens can go to any college of their choosing if they are up to it academically, but they should not receive a discounted rate because of their illegal status. That's crazy.

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My opinion ... sure. If you're going to Metro State in the first place, you f***ed up. If move to another state to attend a community college, you should just kill yourself.


Right, because everyone has the ability to afford a state or private college...

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Brady- There are many programs out there that just aren't available at a university and not every one of them is available in every state at every community college. That being said, it's not unreasonable that someone may travel out of state for a very specific program that's not offered in their home state. That just seems like a very ignorant and short-sighted comment to make--not to mention way off topic!

2012 Xterra Pro-4X

2003 Outback Sedan Limited



"Dedicated Unhesitating Service To Our Fighting Forces"

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