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Broken Trans Mounting Bolt -- With Further Complication!

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The further complication is that I broke off the starter drill bit (1/32?) in the center of the broken bolt (which is flush with the trans housing). Now I can't drill any further to get in with an EZ-Out. As the French might say Quelle Bummeur!! -- and the job started out with at least some hope.


Of the 4 trans mounting bolts it's the one on the driver's side on the underneath. Would it be OK to install and run with 3 bolts? (I'm ordering new transmission mounts and new bolts).






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i feel like a missed something.


let's review, you are working on a 95 lego trans swap and you have a busted trans to engine bolt?


which one, the one right under the starter or the one on the bottom corner by the axle?


how busted?

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Sorry -- I'm talking about the bolts connecting these bad boys to the transmission:






Each one of these transmission mounts is installed on the rear/underside of the trans housing by 2 bolts.

After a combination of incompetence and screw-ups I proposing to use 3 out of the 4. Will I be OK?






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if 3 is what you have then i guess you go with 3. 4 would be better. long term you may have issues, i don't know.


how much time and money to remove / repair the busted bolt?


left handed drill bits are your friend for busted bolts.

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