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bad acceleration

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my 97 auto box legacy just got the engine rebuilt,

the engine is back in,

when i drive and put the foot to the ground,its like the car is confused

first it does nothing then it changes down,pulls a little changes again then when it reaches about 3000 rpm it pulls away ok,

but it feels like only the front wheels are getting power,and very unevenly.

the steering wheel pulls to one side and then to the next,like if there was bad traction

how do i know if my torque converter is working properly

tanx for the help

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look at the tranny pan cause I was having similar probs after buying my buddies car. He had motor swapped out by one of his technicians. They put the jack stand under the pan and pushed up the pan. I pulled it down and pushed dent out and it shifts and runs fine now.


Do you have a ck engine light? if so what are the codes? TPS?

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The check engine light is right in front of you while driving, its in the instrument cluster in the middle of the gauges. If you dont see one on confirm the check engine light is working by turning the key to the on position (dont start car). the light will be on as many others as well like airbag and whaterver. If you have a check engine light on while driving it take it to advanceautoparts or some place like that and have them pull the codes.
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dont have one!! bulb dead???

no light comes on only the normal ones like air bag,handbrake ect


ok so just take it to an auto parts place and get the codes read this will give you an idea as to what is wrong. The bulb doesnt have to work for the codes to be read. Then report back what codes numbers they read.

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