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broken awd or rear diff no torque bind!

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Hi, my wife's new to her 93 legacy sedan automatic silver edition has no rear traction, it vibrates at all speeds but worse at 40 - 45 mph but not like torque bind, (as a matter of fact the thing vibrates less cornering) but like a dented driveshaft or a warped rotor(which it does not have either of) this car sat for 2 years before we got it was run once a month or two but not driven it has new tires and are at the proper inflation (all four)

yes I checked the fwd fuse it shows a light when in and no light when out.

but here's the trick I had the car up on a lift and both in nuetral and in park when I spin the driveshaft to the rear diff it spins and one wheel does not, actually one does sort of but not the other and vice versa, then I turn a wheel expecting the other to turn opposite, the other wheel only goes afew inches and at a diffrent rate, is that normal?

now Ive done alot of reading here and other places plus I have expieranced torque bind on a diffrent subaru and it was horrible this car does not have what I felt - no torque bind, or is what I am feeling a lesser kind of TB. wtf?

I understand that the rear driveshaft will spin anyway if the car is off because the auto isnt pumping fluid at that moment.

Ive done figure eights Ive pulled Uies Ive done everything I can think of to get the results that make me think duty c is shot or clutch packs are gone, nothing like grinding or anything else Ive read and Ive read it all I think.

oh and its winter and when I cant have it on my friends forklift I have to crawl around on the ice to check stuff and am sick of it.

any kind of help, even if it's the same thing Ive read would be very appreciated.

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If you just have an open diff that is not unusual, and your vibrations may be related to the brakes dragging on the rotors.


To test if you have rear traction to the rear you can put the front wheel arms on narrow wooden blocks to keep the wheels just a little off the ground on a flat surface. Then put it into gear and give some throttle. If the car jumps off the blocks you have rear traction.


Just make sure that you do this on a large flat location so you won't hurt yourself or somebody/something else.

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