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MAYJOR Problem

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would it be smart to get that other 19mm bolt out. put the new control arm on. put just the one bolt in. and drive maybe a mile at most to a local guy that does alot of machining, auto work, also does alot of docking stuff too and has a decent shop. known him for awhile now.


there and much stress on that control arm when going down the read. all the weight goes right up the strut so i think it should work.

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no, that part of the control arm is stressed whenever you move the car, My suggestion if you can get at it enough, is to either do what they mentioned and drill it out, or try to heat the area and weld a somewhat smaller bolt to the broken part, then try to turn it out. wouldn't hurt to soak it with penetrating oil for a bit first.
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I personally wouldn't risk it but it might hold. IMO the problem has been compounded enough. You could either get a tow or maybe see if the mech will come out to your place? driving it like that would be my last resort.
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Do it yourself, save money and gain experience :)


Part of the bolt is sticking out... this could be alot easier than what I thought. Let it soak in PB blaster/similar penetrant liquid for a day or so, then heat it up, grab with vise grips, and try to get that thing outta there.


Picture of what is left stuck int he car?

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+1 for the PB Blaster! Any time I'm taking bolts out and let them soak in PB for a while. Essentially, it reduces the risk of this exact issue.
My 9.3 cups EJ22 makes me feel like my **** is 2.8 decimeters!
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Use Aero Kroil instead of PB. Works 10x better.


[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Kano-Aerokroil-Penetrating-aerosol-AEROKROIL/dp/B000F09CEA]Amazon.com: Kano Aerokroil Penetrating Oil, 10 oz. aerosol (AEROKROIL): Automotive[/ame]

[URL="http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/proper-flip-key-interesti-159894.html"]Flip Key Development Thread[/URL] "Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped." - E. Hubbard
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