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2005 Legacy 2.5i clicking noise when turning

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It's winter down here, weather is around -10 these days


I started hearing a clicking noise when turning left, mostly in 1st and 2nd gear when giving a heavy throttle....


I've been reading the problem might be a ball joint or CV joint?


What do you guys think?


The noise is fast and fades away when the steering comes back at 12' oclock





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It's just the cold weather making it make those noise while turning and on the gas. I thought something was wrong with my car too but nothing was wrong just the cold weather to blame. I guess I'll start hearing it again now because it's just starting to get a lot colder here in Minnesota.
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Another vote for bad CV joint. As they go bad, they begin to click as you approach there max turning angle. A left turn makes me assume it is the drivers side joint going out, because of the ackermann steering geometry in most if not all cars, this means that the drivers side wheel will turn at a steeper angle on a left hand turn.


If it makes noise on a left hand turn, but not right hand, it is the drivers side joint. If it makes noise on a right hand turn, but not a left, it is the passenger side joint. If it makes noise both ways, it could be either or both.

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