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Slipping stock clutch - fixed itself?!


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It started like this - Last week, in traffic, I was switching lanes quick and toasted the clutch for a second by accident. Smelled burnt clutch. Later on my way to work, in 5th gear I gave it some gas and the RPM's jumped up a few hundred - it was definitely slipping. I babied it the rest of the day.


The next morning I verified it was still slipping. 5th gear at 2,500rpms, hit it, slippy slippy..


Since then never pushed it again. Put maybe 300 miles on it and now just tried again with a passenger in the car, and going up a hill - the clutch is tight!! I verified again a couple more times, full boost in 5th, no slipping at all. Ran out 2nd and 3rd, pulled like a monster.


Do these organic discs have a habit of glazing over very easily? Did mine glaze over, then after normal driving it "fixed" itself?!!


This will be very good news as I wasn't looking forward to dropping $1,400 right now http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif


Anyone else have similar experience? Thanks for any input !!

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This same exact thing happened to me when I went Stage 2. I did a few hard launches (burnt clutch smell, I was new to the power) and it started slipping in 4th and 5th. I took it easy and after a few days, it stopped slipping.


A few days later, I did it again, but it wasn't even that hard of a launch. No burning smell. And it slipped.


2 days later after some conservative driving, problem was gone.


Then on its own, the slipping came back, and got worse and worse, and didn't go away. I finally did the clutch/flywheel, and they were completely toast.


Once it starts slipping the way you're describing, things will begin going downhill rapidly. I think you're just going to have to replace it. It's possible that maybe there was just some very mild glazing on it and they wore off... You can wait a few days and see if it returns on its own. Don't baby it, but don't beat up on it either. Drive it like you normally would and see what happens. If it slips again, definitely get all your parts there and do the job.

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