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Strange noise, should I be worried?

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Ok, so I picked up an 05 GT wagon 5mt last sunday, and I've noticed a noise as I drive it. It sounds like it is coming from near the driver side front wheel or maybe in front of the driver seat, around that area and the best way I can describing it is it sounds kind of like sheet metal when it bows out, if that makes any sense. I've tried to narrow down when it happens and it seems to be when turning, sometimes over bumps, and I've heard it once or twice when shifting. Now it doesn't happen every time I do one of these things, just occasionally. The car has right around 76k miles and the clutch was just replaced and only has about 200 miles on it, so I really don't think it could be the clutch. I talked to a subaru dealership and they told me it would a couple hundred dollars just to take a look, and I can't bring myself to spend that amount of money if it might now be an issue. So my question is, from what I have described does anyone have any idea what might be happening?
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Still not sure what the noise is, after driving it a little more it really sounds like something to do with suspension, or the wheel. It doesnt really happen any certain time as far as RPM's or gear wise. I talked to a mechanic at subaru and gave him a description of whats happening and from what I told him he would guess it was something suspensions related, either the sway bar, end links or something to do with the bushing, he said it would be about 100 bucks just to have it looked at, is there some stuff I could easily check out first before dropping the money?


EDIT: Just found this thread: http://legacygt.com/forums/showthread.php/clunking-after-sway-bar-install-pictures-and-video-112953.html

and the video he posted of the 2009 legacy is the exact noise I am hearing from the front left side of the car, so Im thinking it's definitely something to do with the sway bar.

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So I talked to a local dealerships as well as a local subaru specialist and just to have the car looked at is $50-70. I've grabbed the sway bar and it doesnt appear to be loose, the end link appears to be on one piece, so what I'm wondering is based on what I have said should I get the car checked out or just save the money and invest in some new end links?
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you need to man handle the bar and the endlink, the endlink has two knuckles, the knuckles are surrounded by plastic "cartilage" that VERY commonly breaks apart causing play in them. your sway bar frame bushings can be widened and worn out too.
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