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Red light camera fines are voluntary


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Has anyone heard if this is true? Throw away the red light ticket and nothing happens?



Red light traffic cameras can be a real pain in the butt. The fines can be outrageous, the points lead to higher insurance rates and the programs can even take hard-working police officers off the streets. But what happens if you simply throw the ticket in the trash? In Los Angeles County, the answer seems to be a whole lot of nothing.


The Newspaper reports that red light camera revenue is down by one third after LA Police Commissioner Alan Skoban called the cameras "a voluntary citation program" back on June 7. The cameras have already been shut down in Los Angeles, but surrounding cities are losing boat-loads of dough. Since that June announcement, photo enforcement vendors are reportedly losing $1 million per month.


Still, while red light camera tickets are down, they're certainly not out. Drivers still paid 25,693 tickets at nearly $500 a pop from May through September. That's nearly $30 million over the course of a full year, which gets split between municipalities and the traffic camera system companies.


We're not sure what is more noteworthy – red light cameras that dole out $500 tickets, or ticked motorists that continue to pay outrageous fines even though the program is "voluntary." It appears the moral fiber of this country is still high... or not enough motorists know that the tickets don't have to be paid.

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Saw similar stories on the news and in papers a while back. If I got one in LA I would not pay it.


I've HEARD it doesn't get reported to DMV if you ignore it, and doesn't count against you criminally, so... I personally would not pay it and see what happens.


That being said, I am not a lawyer and don't have any hands on experience with this matter, so my take on this should not be deemed useful, informative, or accurate. Haha.

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I tried it. Cost me an extra $300 plus interest. Ticket was over $600 when said and done.


Do not try at home. Not unless you too want a very expensive ticket and a rude call from your insurance company for failure to appear.

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Every article seems to specifically mention LA, and in the above article is notes that CA state law allows courts to determine how to deal with the tickets. So LA courts are not pursuing red light camera tickets, that doesn't mean it applies to other courts. My friend got one in LA and said he ignored it, last I heard, nothing happened. We'll see.

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