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Thought I would share what I JUST ordered:



Obviously just one of those :rolleyes:


I am getting the silver with the blue tab :rolleyes:


Now I just have to wait until Thursday or so of next week! :evil:


Other than tint and clear bra, this is going to be my first mod. I thought about saving for some springs... but dang nabbit if this money was not burning a hole in my pocket!

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sweet, can't wait. If you want help with the install, maybe you can come up some week night after work, and we can cook burgers and slap it in there.


Works for me. The lates this should be in would be Friday of next week. I am hoping though it will be here Thursday.


I almost got the whole combo - bushings, shifter, and knob for $160 - I stuck to my guns though and did not go over my budget.:eek:

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haha, over YOUR budget, or over T's budget? Either way, I am stoked for you, should be fun to install, and the fitting on the bottom of those makes it easy with the shifter boot.


Obviously I can't do anything on the weekend, but on the tuesday after you get them, I am free....just let me know.

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