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clutch replacement woes


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So I'm installing my new clutch and flywheel and everything is going smooth, got the tranny completely out and everything came apartjust fine until I got to the flywheel and six of the eight flywheel torx bolts came out. The remaining two bolt heads are stripped to sh*t. And for those who have replaced a factory clutch know how the bolt heads are hidden inside this cage in the flywheel inaccessible to cutting the heads off. I've drilled one of the bolts out almost 3/4 gone and its chewing up bits left and right. I'm getting desperate and may break out the grinder and start cutting the damn thing out. Ahhh FML
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ok, now I am curious.... and screwed... so, I got to the same place as you and not one of my bolts is accessable through the cage.... my grinder took a dive so I cant even cut it out... but then I shouldnt have to.....


logically, you need a driver to put the torx bolts into the FW, right? my cage COMPLETELY obscures EVERY torx bolt.... there is no way for anything to get to the bolts..... so how the hell did the factory do it? the only thing I can think of is that te secondary mass, that has the cage on it, is actually pressed on and should be able to be pryd off. I tried to have a go with my crowbar but cant make it budge...


since I am not grinderless.... any other thoughts, cuz as it is there is no way to even install it with tha alignment

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That cage should always be aligned with the torx bits so you can get a tool in there. Thats really odd that it shifted out of place and blocked access to all of them. Find a Harbor Freight and invest in a 4inch angle grinder with a couple cut off wheels that is if your replacing the flywheel of course lol. It actually cuts off quite easily its just a shitty spot to work in with sparks flying everywhere.
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AND MAKE SURE YOU GET A SIZE 50+ TORX BIT!! I made that mistake and just used a plain jane T50 and screwed myself on those two bolts. I thought the fitment was a little loose but the next size up was way too big. turns out they make a T50...why not just call it something between 50 and 55 wtf
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found my old cut off wheel attachment for my rotozip, hacked off the cage, and wow, bolts still wouldnt come out because the lip of the cage kept them from coming out completely... had to pry the FW off a bit, loosen more, repeat.... cant see how the hell mine got this way... how was it installed?!?!?
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