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Anyone done any custom fiberglass work?


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Alright guys, I am going to be making a custom guage pod for my car. First, fiberglass was just an idea of what to make it out of, not sure what other pods are made out of. But, fiberglass I could do myself out of my basement (no garage). Anyways, I am looking to make a solid mold out of either clay, wood, or some other modeling material. A mold is not the correct term....it would actually be a form, which would then have the fiberglass laid out overtop of to create a hollow pod.


Does anyone have any experience or tips on what to use? Wood has advantages because I know it will hold up, and I can get it very smooth for the resin to go on. Clay would be easier to shape and form, but I havent worked with clay since elementary school and I am not sure how smooth I can get it... I guess by easier I mean quicker to form since it is plyable.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Hopefully this will be a great fall into winter project with a christmas present of a nice guage pod in the end!

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