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any one try the JL Cleansweep

Jeff Outback

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Just curious to see if any one has tried the JL Audio Cleansweep. I don't know if I want to buy the VDC stereo or the CleanSweep and use an MP3 player.


This is a responce I got from JL Audio on the Cleansweep.



Yes your car would benefit from the use of the CleanSweep unit. Our VP of Marketing has a 2005 Legacy GT. These two cars are slightly different but the audio system is very close. We have found major EQ plots from the factory. It sounds fine with the factory speakers, but once you add in after market speakers, you'll be disappointed in the overall sound.



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i would pick clean sweep instead of paying 700 for the VDC stereo -- being able to create your own AUX input is well worth it.


Well you can get the vdc unit for around 5 something if you get a dealer who will get you it at cost, and the cleansweep you have to remember you will also have to add an aftermarket amplifier and replace the speakers. So if you arent really an 'audiophile' and the stock system sounds okay to you the VDC or FM Modulator direct attach might be the best bet.

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