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Should my 95 have this vac filter

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While searching for the fix for my code 400 I saw this picture on a site. My car is a 95 Legacy wagon and the picture is from a a 98 Outback. http://www.porcupine73.com/pics/sensors/filter1c.jpg They are calling it a filter, which it may be but my experience is that these little things are check valves. Usually with a value of somewhere around 2PSI valves. Even though my car is a 95 should there be one of these valves on my car? If so, I do not have one of them on the new-to-me car.
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yes you should have one.


it goes in the vac line that leads over to the passenger side fender, or one of them at least. the 95 has 2 lines going over there, 97 only has one, they joined tehem together close to the intake and only ran one. then they went from one to the other on the 2 ''doodads'' on the fender.

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I guess the PO that replaced the engine decided it didn't need one. Now is it a check valve like I think or a filter like the other guy was calling it? I think I have a 2PSI check valve laying around somewhere that was in an 85 Jag. Now where the heck would I have put that thing?????

yes you should have one.


it goes in the vac line that leads over to the passenger side fender, or one of them at least. the 95 has 2 lines going over there, 97 only has one, they joined tehem together close to the intake and only ran one. then they went from one to the other on the 2 ''doodads'' on the fender.

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so there is actually one difference between mine and the OB.


the vacuum line that comes out of the purge solenoid valve splits with one line going to the canister and one to the pressure sources switching solenoid valve.


so that means that there is two lines going into the PSSSV on my car and not one like on the OB

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