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Anyone In SLC Care To Help With LGT Purchase?!


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Hi Everyone-

Kind of random question but I am looking to purchase a used 2010 LGT and there are only like 15 for sale in all of the US right now. I am in California and have found a good deal on one for sale in Salt Lake. The dealer has agreed to ship the car to me but with all of the shimmy/swaying issues I would like for someone with knowledge of the car to test drive it before I decide to purchase. I know this is a really strange request but if there's anyway that someone in the area would be willing to go check the car out and test drive it for me I would greatly appreciate it. I would of course be more than happy to pay you for your time as well. The car is at Dahle Mazda at 4595 S. State Street Salt Lake City, UT 84107. If any of you have any interest in helping me please let me know or if not I totally understand. Thanks!

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