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Plug up a hole-y bumper! DIY Bumper Plugs - 5th Gen Legacy


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So I just moved from a state that does require front tags (ugh) to a state that doesn't (yay!)...but I had two ugly holes in my front bumper. I found a guy that makes plugs for bumper holes already done (http://www.bumperplugs.com, $40) but I figured I could do it myself for less! I did some research and found a DIY guide for plugging up an ugly bumper (to give credit where credit is due: http://g35driver.com/forums/body-interior-exterior-lighting-diy/134349-diy-10-bumper-plugs.html) and did it myself for less. I'd figure I'd post my work to help any Legacy's peeps with the same issue I had!


First step was to make a trip to the dealership and Lowe's. At the dealership, I picked up some touch up paint in my color (Steel Silver Met) for around $10.

Here's your shopping trip for Lowes:

A small amount of 220-grit sandpaper ($2-3)

Clear gloss spray paint ($3-4)

1/4" (or maybe 3/8" depending on the size of the hole) Nylon plugs ($1 for set of 2; I'd buy at least one extra set in case you mess up)

*** These plugs are in the hardware section in drawers...ironically enough, they are very close to where they put the license plate hardware.


1. First I found something to mount the plugs into. You really don't want to be handling them (oil on your hands and they are really small). I used a cardboard box, but the person on the G35 forum used styrofoam...whatever works. Just make sure you can throw it away when you're done!

2. Next I took the 220-grit sandpaper and very lightly sanded the top of the nylon plugs (hardly at all, just enough for the paint to stick).

3. After that, I applied about 5 very thin coats of the touch-up paint. Make sure each coat is fairly dry before you do the next one. (At least 20 minutes between each coat unless it's really humid out, then add more time)

4. After I was satisfied with the touch-up paint, I let it dry completely (at least an hour or two; I let mine dry overnight). Then I sprayed VERY VERY thin coats of clear gloss over them. I did about 7 coats overall, leaving the same 20 minutes or so between them. My first go round I sprayed too much and it was too humid, so I got bubbles and had to start over (that's why you buy some extra sets!)

5. After that was dry completely, it was time to install! Depending on the hole in your bumper, you may have to drill them out a little more with a drill bit. I had to do this with mine. Go very slow and be careful not to take out too much or make the hole too wide, otherwise you will have to make a larger plug! After just enough was drilled out, just push them in! (There should be a little bit or resistance as you push them in.


Hope this helps anyone!

Just an FYI- this is my attempt to help out. I am not responsible if you mess up your car or anything else! Use this help at your own risk!



Here are pics:








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total cost $1.05 :) Had some white and clear paint laying around. Not an exact match for SWP, but close enough for a first attempt.





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