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Help with jazzy mod- cd wont load


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Have it installed, hooked it up to the car, cd changer turned on and went through the disc count. when I hit load it prompts me to load the cd but won't take it. Checked my ribbon cables and they look right. Anyone else have this problem?


I've followed the directions to a tee (at least I feel I did). The entire unit is put back together. No heat sink, no brackets. All I've done is make sure the ribbons are proper (done this 3x now), the mod/cables aren't touching anything, reattached the cd changer via the SAME four little screws on the front that originally held it in and slid the back into place.


Tried hooking it up with just the white harness and also with the other two cables that are wound with the white harness. No avail. I did a search of the jazzy thread and haven't been able to come up with a solution yet.


Update- so after an hour and half of taking it apart and piecing it back I held down the load button for a few seconds and was prompted with a load all message. went in fine and I'm rolling now! feel free to delete mods & sorry for not originally putting this in the stickied thread.

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