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Convert miles to km?

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Hey there,



There is, but it is costly. My baby if from the US, I just learnt to live with it.


This is taken from the forester forum :


"No secret codes according to my mechanic who is also a Subaru tech. He has looked into this during the last wave of US imports when the CDN dollar was at par.

You will have to replace the instrument pod with a metric one as well as a speed sensor on the drivetrain. This will also zero your odometer, that must be reported to the ministry of transport(at least in Ontario), stating reasons why (try explaining that when selling the car). The cost of that about 3-4 years ago was just under 2 grand for parts and labor. The temp control is also part of the LCD module that also houses the odometer which I'm not sure can be replaced separatly, but the same thing applies, zeros the odometer.


I've driven my tech's car which is a US model and you get used to reading the smaller speedo range pretty easy, and as for recording mileage just do the conversion".


by good dog.

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I'm surprised you can get it registered in Canada like that. The speedo has to be in mph here before registering it.


Anyway, the problem won't go away. I'm trying to remember who had the problem, but I know a guy who got an lgt and the temp was in C. He wanted to change it to F, but there was no possible way. We looked through the manual and everywhere online. We could never find the solution and he just had to learn to convert the temp.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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Oh, wait... You are in Europe? Out of all the cars you could import from the US, you chose an 08 LGT? Interesting choice. I'm still surprised they let you register that. Aren't most European countries right hand drive anyway? I know a couple people with right hand drive cars in the states and it was very very difficult to get them registered as anything street legal. Very interesting indeed...


Anyway, it doesn't get us closer to solving your problem. My suggestion would be to contact Subaru of Japan and see if you can get some parts sent over. You may be able to solve the KMH/MPH situation with a new gauge cluster as long as it reads the same relative speed overall. The temperature thing could require an ECU swap for all I know though. We seriously tried everything we could think of short of that.


“Cleanliness becomes more important as godliness becomes more unlikely.”

O C D E T A I L S . C O M


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Aren't most European countries right hand drive anyway?

Most of Europe drives on the right side of the street, i.e., left-hand drive vehicles, just like the U.S. The U.K. and Ireland are notable exceptions. Also, Japan and former British Commonwealth nations drive on the left side of street, like Australia, New Zealand, India, Jamaica, Thailand, etc. From wikipedia. Red = drives on right. Blue = drives on left.



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:) Yes, here in my country Bulgaria the cars are left-handed...

I make the choice of LGT, because there is no this unique model in Europe...We have only 2.0,3.0 engine and 2.5, engine without turbo.

I wait 3 months that car, but now I am very glad already...I love this car!!!

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