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Need rubber contacts that go behind buttons of information display/trip computer

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I took apart the trip computer/clock on my 2005 LGT because the DISP button was sticking and found that the rubber contact was broken behind the button.


Basically, it's a rubber plunger with a silicone tip that presses the circuit on the circuit board when you press the brightness/disp or hour +/-.


I checked opposingforces and the vacation pix and can't possibly find what they're called nor any part number for them. The trip computer is fine except for these, and I know if I replace them, it should work properly.


Does anyone have a part number for these or a non-working trip computer that I could possibly buy these from? Thanks.






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Well, I spent my Friday night fixing my trip computer instead of my usual routine of hanging out with supermodels and getting drunk.


Using the Google, I got an idea from the good folks at the Chevy HHR forums and dissected a cheap calculator I had laying around:




Basically, I pulled off the carbon buttons from the calculator, stuck them to the back of the stalks from the button and while the "button feel" isn't as satisfying, I think this will last and it's much better than buying a new clock for $185.

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