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Funny Whistle/Whine

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Hi guys


This has only happened a few times but since it happened today i thought I would see what you all though.



Every time this has happened it has been after a 30+minute drive home...it happened this summer and now it has happened this winter...


The last stretch of road to my home I lose the radio signal on my stereo..so I turn it off...as i approach a stop sign that is the last stop sign on my way up to my home....I hear it.


A low whistle/whine noise...clutch in clutch out, doesn't seem to matter...lasts about 5 seconds as I come to a stop..and then starts up again as i get going...lasts 5 seconds both ways than goes away.


5 speedMT....2007 GT....no mods. 60k


low whistling humming whining sound almost like you would make if you made a low whistle between your lips softly when you see something that you don't want your wife to know you saw yet you cannot keep yourself from making a noise...you know what I mean.


Thanks in advance.

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Maybe a vacuum leak is what I've been told.....


Sound is coming from just above my feet from the engine bay it sounds like, I cannot reproduce the sound it only happens when it wants to happen if you know what I mean.


Next time I hear it I'll record it....see what happens then.



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It could be the normal whine the gears make as you slow down or start to go. I had a similar but different problem with mine. I kept hearing like a faint but very noticeable kind of shopvac high pitch whine whenever i got up to 60 mph; turned out to be a rear differential problem. But yeah a recording would definitely help us help you
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I have the same kind of sound but I think mine is the turbo not sure though but mine only occurs at a stop and when i accelerate it goes away, I started a thread on here a while back about it but never got any replies. I doubt its anything serious though but you never know
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