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2010 Legacy Brake Pad Walking?


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I own a 2010 Legacy 2.5i Premium (has about 22k on it-I commute allot) and couple weeks ago I started noticing a popping noise from the brakes. It made the noise when first engaging the brake. It would also do it when you go in reverse and then again while going forward. So, I took it to the dealer and they gave me the run around that nothing was wrong with it and its just "A normal result of brake pads walking in the housing when changing direction" Now this might be normal, but I asked him if there seeing this in any other Subaru's. He said no-so its isolated which means those are the ones to pay attention too. Also asked him why it just started doing this and not from the get go when we bought it brand new. Said it was not as tight... Anyways, they told me its "to operating factory standard." From my research I can't find any similar problems. Has anyone had this happen? Thinking about calling SOA.
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