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Badge Removal aka the Brazillian Wax

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This walk thru is how I removed the badges from the trunk of my Legacy GT 5 (James Bond Edition).




In no way am I a professional so following my steps are at your own risk. In other words if something goes wrong "you aint heard this from me"


This is fairly simple to to do, and if your prepared you could finish quickly. I work slow so it took me about an hour and a half. Conditions should be dry the warmer the better. I was outside on a cloudy day, temps were about 43F.



Here are the items I used:



first spray the badges with the adhesive remover. I opened the trunk to prevent the liquid from running down.



allow it to sit for 10 mins, then you can use a soft plastic wedge or dental floss to to remove the badges. (I used dental floss) just floss under the badge nice and easy pulling to one side.




Once all the badges are removed you will be stuck with a gummy like adhesive strips where the badges where. At this point I washed the area with soap and water to get rid of the adhesive remover.



Dry with a cloth. Now to get rid of the left over adhesive, grab the blow dryer put it on high heat and warm the adhesive.



once the adhesive is heated you can use your finger to roll it off the trunk in one direction. do not pick at it with your nail just start at one corner and as you rub the adhesive will roll on to itself creating a ball of goo that you can just fling like a booger!


Once all the left over adhesive is gone you will have a dark outline where the badges were. At this point I applied the adhesive remover again. and let it sit for 10 mins. then take a clean cloth and wipe it off.


Wash the area again (soap and water).



This time when I cleaned off the soap I appled some wet wax made by turtle wax. The wet wax spray goes on while the car is still wet. Dried with a leather cloth and detail with a clean cloth. Then your done.




Take your old badges fling em or relocate em.



Some folks may do some things different. Hopefully this helps someone.:rolleyes:


Praise the Lowered!

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Its actually just a 4 stepper if its not that cold...


Option -either do in summer after leaving in hot sun all day or use hairdryer/heat gun to warm area up.

Step 1 - use WAXED dental floss to cut the adhesive between the paint and the badge.

Step 2 - ball up most of adhesive with afore mentioned booger method

Step 3 - use paint safe (ex orange oil) adhesive remover to help remove the remaining adhesive

Step 4 - clean, wash and wax area


I have worked in film for a decade and a half and have removed many, many, many factory badges to prevent clearance issues for filming. The key is the waxed floss and to take your time. Heating just makes it go FAST and easy.

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