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Home ginger-brew recipe

Brock Samson

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I recently became totally addicted to Maine Root's Ginger Brew, a really really strong carbonated ginger drink. Problem was, it cost $1.25 a bottle, and thats when you can find it (which isn't often). So I decided to try my hand brewing my own at home, to spectacular results at a fraction of the price.



2 1qt Bottles capable of withstanding pressure. Actually, its probably easier to just use an old 2 liter soda bottle now that I think about it.

Fine grater


sieve, or tea strainer or something like that, unless you like your drinks extra pulpy.



3 Tbsp peeled & grated ginger (about 1 avg size root)

1 Lemon

1 cup sugar

1/2 gal room-temp filtered water

1/8 tsp yeast


Peel the ginger (protip: use the edge of a regular 'ol spoon.) and then grate into a bowl. Add the sugar, squeezed lemon juice (no seeds!), stir and then add just enough water to to get it all to dissolve into a nice, even slurry. Pour into the bottle with the funnel, using something small like a straw to poke all the delicious ginger bits down into the bottle. Fill the bottle (not quite all the way to the top) with the water, and add the yeast. Tightly lid the bottle and set in a dark, warm (not hot!) place for 24 hours. Be careful opening as it could be VERY fizzy. Strain into a glass with ice and enjoy! (Or add some white rum to make a drink I call a "White Squall"...YUMMM:wub:. Warning: a few of these and you could end up pantsless in the street.:spin::eek:)



-After the initial 24 hour period of fermentation, it can go in the fridge.

-You can adjust the amount of ginger to make this drink as gingery as you want.

-Easy on the yeast. I know 1/8 of a teaspoon is not much, but it is way more than enough for this recipe. Add more and you risk turning the whole thing into a nasty sulfur bomb.

-On the sulfur note, I would drink this within 2 to 3 days, otherwise you WILL get the sulfur smell by day 5 or 6. I'm investigating the chemistry of this right now to figure out a way to stop/remove/neutralize the sulfur. Will update.

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