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Legacy 5 speed - Shifter has massive amt. of play

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Sup everybody... so my shifter has so much play in it its hard to tell the difference between gear and neutral... at least 3-4 inches of side to side play no matter what gear you are in. Tranny seems fine otherwise. Does anyone know what to do to fix this??? Thanks DJ
take your center piece of the console out then under the boot is the shifter bushing. The white piece you see is why its loose a nice way to fix it is to buy a short throw kit :lol:
is the short throw harder to install than the factory type bushing? would love for it to be short throw but thought that was pretty complicated.

White peace? what? I doubt it'll be the bushing, my money is on it being the linkage. Get under the car and have a look at the linkage. My stick had a good few inches of play side to side too. Was this f***er:




I ended up installing an STi shifter. What a f***ing mint mod, it's the perfect short shifter in my mind. STi FTMFW.


Good luck finding one stateside though, mwahahahaha




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