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98 LGT Audio


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So I recently got my license and was handed down the old 98 Legacy GT.The car still has stock parts and nothing was switched out.


One of the first things I noticed was that the speakers aren't that great. When I put my ipod in thorugh an aux-to-cassette cable, is that the sound is sort of distorted.


I don't know too much about cars so I'd probably have someone else do any changes I would have to do.


Any help would be appreciated.

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Here's the cliffs notes I've gathered on stereo installation...


Just because a speaker is the right diameter (5 1/4", 6 1/2") doesn't mean it is shallow enough to fit in a door.


Many stock speakers sound much, much better with a new amplifier and head unit.

-On the same note: Don't buy a head unit because of its power output in Watts if you are going to install an amp, all you care about is high volt pre-outs. Otherwise, just be aware that some high output single din units (claiming 50W per channel) can get hot and may shut down for safety after 1 or 2 hours of sustained high volume listening.


The depth of Single and Double DIN spots on different vehicles can vary quite a bit. A unit with many features and add-on modules may have simply too much cabling to fit behind a head unit where the original manufacturer intended to have only a remote wire, power, antenna and 4 pair or speaker wire going to the back.


Long story short, you may want to post in the generation-specific forum for questions about fitment and since you should always be capable of removing the stereo, grab a manual and take a look behind it to see the space you are working with.

No, the name has nothing to do with bragging about 20 inch wheels...
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Alright, I'll keep that in mind.


I was in the car today and it sounded better when I turned the volume on the ipod down and the speaker volume up. If anything comes up though, I'll keep that in mind.

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