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Spotted: RGB Legacy GT Wagon Friendswood!!


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Holy shit, I almost pissed myself this morning when I was going to school down a little road on the way to school (they would have to live on it to be using it, it's in a residential area) and coming the opposite direction was a Regal Blue 05 LGT Wagon, still had the paper tags! I waved, but he was probably like.."wft, I had the car one day and I'm already getting all this attention." I need to make a LGT.com card so I can hunt them down and give it to them.


So, Mr. Regal Blue LGT owner in Friendswood..when you see a skinny white boy slipping a card in your windsheid wiper, don't shoot me.


I think I have all my seach terms covered.. Friendswood Houston Legacy Regal Blue Sunset new wagon GT Limited LGT Lmtd Lmt



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