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Bruins, some people will probably flame me for this but my understanding is that traditionally speaking an auto has been able to hold more torque than it's manual counterpart simply because there is a slushbox torque converter between the wheels and the motor. The Subaru SVX was a 4-speed auto because SOA did not have a manual transmission developed at the time capable of handling that torque. I also believe that on trucks the AT will typically tow more.

In terms of specs we'll never be able to find out exactly what both are rated at for max torque because nobody is willing to release this information. Trust me, I have tried to find out at least on the 5EAT. I asked JATCO (they provide the internals), I asked SOA and I also asked a couple of shops that mod them. Nobody wanted or knew what to tell me. SOA and JATCO don't release the specs probably due to potential lawsuits from asshats. "Well you guys told me the tranny would be able to hold xyz torque but mine broke, so pay for it". So what we are left with is anecdotal proof and the better question would be what are your power goals.Knowing your goals we would be able to give you advice.

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