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random hose?

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hey guys, sorry im kind of a noob when it comes to cars.. but i just had a quick question


i own a 98 2.2 legacy l.. manual and pretty much 100% stock


so i was bored and decided to try the snorkel delete and clean up some ground wires. while i was poking around, i found an open hose/vacuum line, that wasn't connected to anything on one end and wasn't sealed off on the other. Now in order to explain where it is, remember since my car is stock, i still have the torque box and stock intake.. if you notice on the intake piping/toque box there are those various dongles or whatever sticking out (i have no idea what they are for) and its connected to the one all the way in the back of the engine bay, kinda by the firewall on the toque box (if i rememeber correctly ill go back out and check in a bit might be edge of intake piping but dont think so).


Anyway, I have no idea if this is how it should be. I'm not sure the hose is sealed goes actually into the intake, but it sure looks like it does.. I never work in that part of the engine so i know i didnt do it, i had my clutch changed recently but car seems to be running pretty much ok..


anyway any input would be appreciated. this turned out longer than i thought and if you read it, thankyou for your time.

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actually after doubling checknig its defently coming off the torque box, but it looks like these another disconnected nozzle that it would fit right under it, but kind hidden under it... the hose is like a u-pipe lol its small as hell.. kinda like a luggage handle but before i connect it, i wanna make sure?
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hey thanks for the replies, but im 99.9% sure i figured it out.. like i said, i found out where its supposed to go


i dont have my camera on hand, but its litterally right behind the toque box (almost touching the firewall) and it reconnects just below the torque box to a spot thats pretty hidden.. wonder how long its been like that? lol.. vacuum air leak ftw

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