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New to forum - some starter questions

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Hi ,


Just bought myself a Subaru Legacy 2.5i (2007). I can't love it enough. I do however have some small questions for all your similar owners out here, and I greatly thank all of your in advance.


1. When I open my door at night, only the lights in the side doors come on. The dome lights above me can be turned on with a button, but shouldn't they (the dome lights) come on too, when I open the door? Is this normal?


2. All the lights on the center console come on at night, with the exception of the plus, minus, and set button. The disp button of course lights up, but is it normal for the set button not to light up at night? I guess they don't want you changing the time at night lol.


3. My clutch works great (5 speed), but I wonder if its normal for a little "squeek" noise when depressing the clutch. Of course I only notice this with the music off :lol:


4. Best place to buy stock spoiler? Or a spoiler to suggest that is non stock?


Thanks guys!


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post up your location and color. I bet you can trade your spoilerless trunk quickly on here. i think the squeak is a common issue on here, and the two front lights dont come on with the door opening. However the one in the middle of the roof should come on if you have it set to.
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I don't have a light in the middle of the sunroof panel, just the front two and back two, unless I have missed something. I am having a spoiler put on, don't wanna see my trunk unfortunately, but thanks for the tip. Sorta glad to know the squeeky clutch is a common item, I wonder if the dealer will try and fix it since I just bought it 2 weeks ago. Ill add my location details anyway.
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i would take it to the dealer to fix the clutch since you just bought it. Well the back lights should be able to be turned on to go on with the doors. I dont have a sunroof but my dome light goes on when doors are opened.
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