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Taillight Condensation

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Sometimes that happens because you have water in the trunk, pick up the mat on top of the spare tire and check for water.


Yes, this is possible. If your legacy is anything like mine (which is it) and you open your trunk after it rains, you will get a crap load of water that runs off the trunk, off your rear window and straight into your trunk.


(don't get me started on the water from the windows either :spin:)

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Hey guys, I just got an 05 legacy and it appears that part of the rear taillight is forming condensation after I left it out. Anyone know if this is normal or have had this issue?


Has it been raining/snowing a lot? No matter what I did to my old honda civic, when it rained it PONDED on the light under the trunk lid and would find a way in :spin:


For me, I sealed the light and STILL moisture got in (or did I seal it in?)

Maybe its stupid but...

Has anyone every tried putting a dessicant in the light? You know, the kind of little packs of dry matter that comes in Beef Jerky and says "do not eat" on it? Maybe like a teabag with a string coming out where the light socket is... Leave it over night and then pull it out close it up and try to seal it. I had thought about it when I had the issue but the car is long gone now. Never tried it, but tossing out the idea.

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losang, thats not a terrible idea since they are designed to collect any water, food for thought.


I was trying to figure out how to dry it out without disassembling the light from the cover and then realized that a dessicant may be able to be inserted and removed without even taking the taillight off the car... It might even do the work for you, overnight, so all you have to do put the light back in. (and try to seal up the leak with a tiny bit of silicone or beutyl - Beutyl would be a great option as it is somewhat mallable and not offensive in very small amounts)

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