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New LGT owner here.

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Hey everyone. After driving my 2006 LGT for two weeks now I can't believe I was considering any other car. For my price range this beats the **** out of the other cars I was looking at.


So I bought it for just under $12k with 87k miles (all old lady highway miles, perfect maintenance). There are only two things that I haven't been able to find out about yet and I hope someone here has some ideas.


First, the gas lid wont open when I pull the lever. I have to hold it while someone else pushes it open. Is there an easy fix for this?


Second, I usually only notice this when slowing down but it may be there all the time and just not noticeable at higher speeds. When ever I slow, it sounds like there is friction somewhere that is slowing the car and it gets a little louder the slower I get. It's not screechy though. It's hard to describe but it kinda sounds like the engine reving down even though it's not. At first I just thought it was the engine, but even when I put it in neutral and slow I still get the sound. My first instinct is that the brakes are adjusted too far in and are actually on the rotor, or maybe there is a wheel bearing going bad.


Who knows though, maybe it's just the sound of the car and I need to get used to it.


Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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Welcome to the Legacy club, I just joined in August when i traded up from a Camry.

For the gas cap, check and see if the little arm is bent a little bit. If the previous owner had put pressure down on it while open, it could have bent the arm. I assume you're tried WD-40 to fix it.

It's cool; I'm with the band
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