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Heat issue!

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So today I went to my car today and go in and waited for it to warm up and no heat.:confused: The slider on the HVAC control wont go all the way to the cold side it stops about half way. I don't think its a heater core because when the slider is all the way to the hot side its tad bit warmer then the slider to the half way where it stops. The weird thing is that it worked last night when I parked it. Im thinking it has to do with the cable, but haven't had time to look yet. Anyone have any other ideas to check when I take it apart. I have taken it apart before, to do LED conversion, maybe I messed something up,:confused: but that was about a month ago.


Thanks for any help,


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The cable - or rather the cable casing - may have jumped off at any end. It's not easy to access all places, but it's usually rather obvious when you see it. The fact that the handle only goes half way is a good indication that it has jumped off in some way.


The best would be to remove the cable, lubricate it and reattach it, but it may be a tricky thing to do.

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Im going to take a look at it tomorrow and try to fallow the cable to each end. thanks for the info and help


Today I didnt turn the heat on till after the car warmed up. Im trying to rule out any cooling issues because the car didn't have any cooling issues or symptoms. Im pretty sure it has to do with that cable for the temp control. Thanks for the help

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So today I was able to look into my problem. I am happy to say I found the problem and was able to have a temporary fix. What I found out is I am missing a c clamp that holds the black sleeve that the cable is in. I have taken some pictures, sorry for the quality I only had my blackberry to take pics. Does anyone know the size of these c clamps and where i could find them.






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I have no idea of the size, but the hardware store, home depot, or lowes has them.

I broke mine replacing the bulbs in the HVAC unit, and had to run out and grab a new one. Buy a couple, they are small and a real PITA to get in there.

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No, I can't recall. If you know that HVAC one is too big, bring it with you as a reference. There are only a few sizes, so it shouldn't be too difficult. Also, they are cheap, so if you need to, buy a few.

They are in the drawers in the fastener aisle.

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